Sunday, January 26, was the relaunch celebration for ONE Church in Westfield as they moved from their Union Street property into the new YMCA. This is an exciting new partnership initiated by the YMCA. The Y is inviting church plants to worship in the 11 sites across greater Indy. The atmosphere was electric as Pastor Andy Riemersma and the ONE Church team welcomed 246 people to the basketball court. Pray as they continue to reach out for the ONE! My next stop was at SoBro Community Church on 46th Street in Indy. SoBro (South Broad Ripple) was formerly known as Divine Direction. Pastor Jerome and Monique Anderson are a blessing as they lead SoBro toward becoming a multi-ethnic congregation (African-American, Hispanic, and Anglo). I was honored to bring the morning message and Sister Monique allowed me to join in playing keyboard with their praise team. Urban ministry has unique challenges but SoBro Church is praying hard and standing strong. We arrived home from Africa last Tuesday and took a few days to adjust to the 7-hour time difference. We are grateful for safe travels and the opportunity to be part of what God is doing through The Wesleyan Church in Africa. If you’d like to know more about the project that Dr. Henry Smith is leading at Africa Wesleyan University, here’s a 7-minute video: Thursday, I was in Marion to meet with Rev. Josh Bowlin (Pastor at Chapel Pike Wesleyan Church) over coffee at Lola’s in Marion. My next stop was with Dr. Eddy Shigley, professor at IWU and one of our district’s circuit riders, who welcomed me into his evangelism class to talk about church planting. I was also able to welcome Rev. Amber Cook, the newest faculty addition to the School of Theology and Ministry. Amber most recently served as a Wesleyan pastor in the Indiana South District and also served as a Global Partners missionary in New Zealand. Friday morning, Dr. Yamil Acevedo (VP for Wesley Seminary) and I met in Fishers for a brainstorming session. Wesley Seminary has been invited by the Lilly Foundation to apply for a significant grant. This grant would fund new collaborative initiatives between the seminary and ministry organizations like our district. I’m grateful for Dr. Acevedo’s leadership and his invitation to be part of this important conversation. Saturday morning, I joined Pastor Matthew Trexler and the team at The River Church in Marion for the closing prayer gathering as they concluded 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. I’m grateful for each of our pastors across the district who have challenged their churches to deeper levels of prayer as we launch into this new year of ministry. We celebrate every story of life change that comes in from our churches here in the Crossroads network. Rev. Dan Fisher and the team at Delphi Wesleyan Church are rejoicing with another baptism yesterday and Pastor Dan said “with more on the way!” Pastor Scott McDermid and the team at Sheridan Six Points Church are also rejoicing with another baptism yesterday following one the previous week. They have another baptism scheduled for this Wednesday evening. Praise the Lord for lives being #MadeNew! Yesterday was a powerful Sunday at Brookhaven Wesleyan in Marion, where nine individuals publicly declared their faith through baptism and new life in Christ! Two exciting events are coming up for our teenagers. Youth leaders: mark your calendars and make plans to bring your students to this year’s Crossroads District All-Nighter, February 21, in Fort Wayne. You can find all the information and registration at this link: And it’s not too early to make plans to bring your students to IWU for FUSION, April 4-5. Thank you to Professor Charlie Alcock and his team for creating this opportunity for students to experience the IWU campus and the impact of worshiping with 1500 other high school students from across Indiana. (“Never Too Young,” the middle-school event is scheduled for May 2-3.) Thank you for all you are doing to make a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent P.S. Save the date! The Ordination Service and Celebration of Ministry will be held on Friday evening, June 27. The Crossroads District annual conference will be held on Saturday, June 28. With delegates being elected and memorials being discussed for General Conference 2026, we are anticipating a full day of conferencing. Both events will be held in the Marion area. This past week, Dr. Chris & Marietta Williams, Dr. Sherry Gorveatte and I joined with General Superintendent Dr. Wayne Schmidt and a delegation of North American representatives to attend the dedication of the new campus site for Africa Wesleyan University in Zimba, Zambia. Eighteen of us, including Dr. Schmidt and 9 district superintendents, boarded a flight from Johannesburg, SA to Livingstone, Zambia on Monday following the close of the International Conference. We arrived with time to visit Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world, before settling in for the night at our lodge outside Livingstone. We were on the road Tuesday morning for Zimba and the AWU campus dedication ceremony. Our arrival was scheduled to allow time for us to connect with Dr. Henry Smith, President of AWU and Dr. Scott Addison, head of Global Partners Health Network, for a tour of the teaching hospital at Zimba. The hospital treats an average of 120 new patients each day as the only medical facility in the region. The nurse training program offered at Zimba Hospital will be the first degree program offered at AWU. Following lunch at the historic Zimba Mission House, the delegation gathered at the campus for this historic occasion. The Minister of Education was there to represent the Zambian national government and Dr. Wayne Schmidt brought the keynote address. The celebration included multiple choirs and nearly 1000 honored guests including regional government officials and denominational leaders. The dedication concluded with the singing of “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” led by Rev. Peter Moore, Atlantic District Superintendent, who was raised on the Wesleyan mission statement at Choma. Wednesday, we were back on the road to visit the Wesleyan Bible College at Jembo. After a brief tour of the primary and secondary school (serving more than 1000 students), Dr. Schmidt brought greetings and a message of encouragement to the Bible college students. We overnighted in Pemba and then returned to the Bible college for a morning service in which Dr. Eric Hallett, Central Canada DS, preached. Then the students were able to attend a variety of seminars offered by the delegation. Dr. Chris Williams and I were among the team of seminar presenters. Following the morning session, we shared lunch with Dr. Kris Thede and Cory, her husband. They’ve relocated from their Global Partners appointment in Haiti and are adding value to the team in Jembo. Cory had been utilizing his agricultural training to assist with the development of this 1000+ acre campus. We traveled back to Livingstone on Thursday afternoon. Friday morning, the group traveled across the border into Botswana for a day of adventure at Chobe National Game Park. It was an amazing day enjoying God’s creation with the members of the delegation. Dr. Sherry has some stories to tell. Ask her about the mother elephant and the kicking zebra. Saturday, most of the team flew back home but the Williams and Gorveattes stayed on. We traveled with Bishop (National Superintendent) Rev. Juden Siachitema to his farm. The North American delegation donated 24 pairs of goats to be distributed to rural pastors and church planters. Bishop Juden takes the idea of bi-vocational ministry seriously with growing herds of cattle and goats to manage while also leading a growing national conference. Dr. Chris Williams was invited to speak at Zimba Pilgrim Wesleyan Church on Sunday. This was especially meaningful since this congregation has partnered with Lakeview Wesleyan Church to build the wall at Africa Wesleyan University. They’ll also be partnering to sponsor a student each year at AWU. It was an amazing service with Dr. Williams bringing a powerful message. Many came forward for prayer in response to his sermon. It’s remarkable to see the explosive growth of the Wesleyan churches in Zambia. When Chris and I last visited in April of 2022, there were 400 churches. Today, there are more than 480, an increase of 20% in just over 2 years. Praise God for how He is moving in Zambia! God is also on the move in the Crossroads District! Pastor Ed Friberg sent along the good news of another baptism at Shiloh Wesleyan Church. We love celebrating stories of God making lives new through the power of the Gospel! Youth leaders: mark your calendars and make plans to bring your largest group ever to this year’s Crossroads District All-Nighter, February 21, in Fort Wayne. You can find all the information and registration at this link: Thank you for making a difference here in our mission field! God is on the move! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent This week’s team update comes to you from South Africa, where Dr. Sherry Gorveatte, Dr. Chris Williams, Marietta Williams, and I have been taking part in the International Conference of The Wesleyan Church (ICWC) and visiting our ministry partners in the Zambia Wesleyan Church. It has been an encouraging experience, filled with opportunities to connect, learn, and witness God’s incredible work around the globe. One of the highlights of the week has been the District Superintendent Roundtable, held concurrently with the conference. Nineteen of the twenty-two District Superintendents gathered to share insights, address common challenges, and explore opportunities for ministry. It was a meaningful time of collaboration and mutual encouragement. The North American delegation to the ICWC was led by General Superintendent Dr. Wayne Schmidt. Dr. Sherry Gorveatte and I were honored to serve as voting delegates, contributing to discussions that will help shape the global Wesleyan Church in the years ahead. Another significant highlight was the introduction of Rev. Jenn Petersen as the new CEO of World Hope International. Her leadership marks an exciting chapter for this vital organization, which continues to impact lives worldwide through practical expressions of God’s love. The global reach of The Wesleyan Church was powerfully illustrated by the reports shared during the ICWC. Over the past five years, 1,600 churches have been planted, and nearly 180,000 people have been baptized. These numbers are a testament to God’s faithfulness and the dedication of His people in advancing the Kingdom. We also celebrated the election of Dr. Amos Anteg, General Superintendent of the Philippines General Conference, to a four-year term as Chair of the International Conference of The Wesleyan Church. His leadership will be a blessing to our global family. Back home in the Crossroads District, God is still on the move! Casa de Dios, a new campus of the Casa Network, held its launch team service this Sunday. This ministry, led by Rev. Claudia Ruiz Wilson in partnership with Rev. Nathan Richardson at Southview Church in Indianapolis, is a wonderful example of how collaboration can help us reach new communities with the Gospel. Praise the Lord for a wonderful report from Sonlight Wesleyan in Bluffton. Here’s the report from Pastor Lyle Breeding: “We were scheduled to have 5 baptized this morning but by the time God swept through the service we baptized 14. Praise the Lord and Hallelujah!! God is moving and we are excited about where He is going to take us.” We’re grateful for your prayers as we continue connecting with our ministry partners in the Zambia Wesleyan Church this week. It’s a privilege to serve alongside you in this great Kingdom mission. Thank you for all you do to further God’s work in the Crossroads District and beyond. Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent 2025 is off to a great start! Rev. Dr. Theo Griffin and the team at Greenfield Brown’s Chapel welcomed me on Sunday, January 5, to bring district greetings and the challenge from God’s Word. We concluded the service with John Wesley’s covenant prayer and by celebrating the Lord’s Supper together. Following the service, I was able to meet with the LBA to express appreciation for their partnership in the Crossroads District ministry. Brown’s Chapel has experienced incredible financial miracles over the past few years. Since becoming debt-free, they are giving even more to their local and global missions projects. It was also good to reconnect with Assistant Pastor Rev. Ben Wade. Ben and Kate, his wife, were both valued students at Kingswood University during my tenure as president. It’s great to see our investment in our Wesleyan colleges producing effective ministers for our churches. Sunday, December 29, I was able to drop in for worship with Pastor Mike Colaw’s team at Trinity Wesleyan Church on my way to visit the church family at Monte de Sion. Trinity Church is currently hosting three Sunday morning services in their Olio Road campus while repair work is being completed in their sanctuary on Allisonville Road. Trinity also hosted multiple Christmas Eve services at the Olio Road location with more than 10 professions of faith. Following Trinity, I joined Pastor Walter Martir and the team at Monte de Sion (formerly Eagledale Wesleyan) for their morning worship service. The congregation is growing under the leadership of Pastor Walter and Diana, his wife. Attendance has increased with the families of several new converts becoming part of the congregation. They’ve remodeled the auditorium, expanded the parking lot, and are exploring plans to enlarge the building. Pray for God’s continued blessing! Like many of you, we were able to spend time with family over the Christmas break. Two of our sons serve on staff in Wesleyan churches in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Since they both have ministry responsibilities on Christmas Eve, Sherry and I spent the weekend before Christmas with them. One special joy was hearing both sons preach on Christmas Sunday, Joel at Caledonia Journey Church (9:15 service) and John at Berkley Hills Church (11:00 service). We’re grateful that our children and grandchildren are walking with the Lord! It was exciting to hear baptism stories from across our district team in the last few weeks of December and yesterday to begin the new year. Below are photos from baptisms at Columbia City New Hope (Pastor Shane Wilson), Waterline Church (Pastor Scott Rhyno), Marion River Church (Pastor Matthew Trexler) and Albion Wesleyan Church (Pastor Sam Maddox). Praise the Lord for lives being #MadeNew! (Please pass along photos and stories as your church celebrates baptisms in 2025 so we can rejoice with those who rejoice.) In other exciting developments, Pastor Andy Riemersma and ONE Church held their final services at the Union St. property on December 29. They are now transitioning and preparing for their grand opening at the new Westfield YMCA. They were able to set up their equipment for the first time on Sunday, January 5. The next two weeks will be test runs (previews) in the new facility with the grand opening set for January 26. Thank you for your prayers and financial investment in this young church! The Branch Wesleyan Church in Lafayette is welcoming Cole Thomas to the staff as their part-time youth pastor. Cole is currently completing his ministry degree at IWU and Jesselyn, his wife, is a nursing student at IWU. Cole’s father, Rev. Ben Thomas, is serving as interim pastor for The Branch this conference year so this is an exciting opportunity for them to serve together in ministry. The family of Dr. Joseph Sawyer hosted a 100th birthday party in his honor at Shumen House last week. Dr. Joe and Lois Sawyer invested their lives in serving the Lord in a variety of assignments in The Wesleyan Church, from church planting to district superintendent to leadership roles at headquarters. Congratulations, Dr. Sawyer on your lifetime of service and this significant century milestone! Our prayers are extended to Rev. Jim Weinmann (Evanston Avenue Wesleyan Church) and Mr. Elvin Weinmann (IWU) on the passing of their father, Robert A. Weinmann, on December 17. His service was held at Evanston Avenue on December 23. Bob was a long-time employee at Heritage Christian School and a valued volunteer at Hephzibah, Frankfort Camp, and The Wesleyan Church headquarters. Several churches across our district are participating in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting in cooperation with Dr. Chris Hodges and Church of the Highlands. I joined the live online service (photo above) from Highlands this morning (7-8). You will appreciate the free resources that they provide for your prayer journey and can learn more at this site: Youth leaders: mark your calendars and make plans to bring your largest group ever to this year’s Crossroads District All-Nighter, February 21, in Fort Wayne. You can find all the information and registration at this link: Assistant DS Dr. Chris & Marietta Williams will be joining Dr. Sherry Gorveatte and me in Africa over the next two weeks. Sherry and I will be voting delegates at the International Conference of The Wesleyan Church that convenes in Johannesburg, South Africa (January 9-12). We will then be part of the delegation representing Crossroads District at the dedication service for Africa Wesleyan University in Zimba, Zambia. While at AWU, Dr. Williams and I will be presenting seminars for ministry students and area pastors. To learn more about Africa Wesleyan University, here’s the link: Michael Wood, our district administrator, will be available to assist pastors as needed in my absence and he can reach me in cases of emergency. Rev. Mark Atkinson, Circuit Rider, will also be on call for pastors who’d like to tap into his wisdom and prayer support. Thank you all for making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent |
February 2025