Sunday morning, June 28, I had the privilege of preaching at New Journey Community Church in Wabash. The church was planted by Tom & Sarah Cochrane and Brian Scramlin has effectively served the church since 2016. With Brian’s resignation this spring, the LBA has been in pastoral search mode. They were pleased to announce the results of their pastoral vote yesterday with 45-0 in favor of calling their next pastor. The candidate has until next Sunday to accept the call and I’m hoping we’ll be able to make that announcement next week. Monday, I met with Pastor Craig Thurmon in Fishers. In addition to being a church planter, Craig does auditing work for the Department of Defense and agreed to be considered as our next district treasurer. We met with the accounting staff in the General Treasurer’s Office to familiarize Craig with the process flow and controls that are in place through HQ’s Shared Accounting Services agreement. I am grateful for Mr. Kevin Batman and his team who are generously serving districts and local churches. Later in the afternoon, I joined the Hartford City Wesleyan Church staff for our weekly team meeting. John Bonham is doing a great job holding things together and mentoring this young team. They were prepping for their first young adult fellowship supper and were excited to welcome a total of 24 young adults for this first event. Tuesday morning, I worked on my annual report and then our Crossroads District staff met at Abbey Coffee in the afternoon. Wednesday morning, Assistant DS Chris Williams and I traveled to Logansport for his cohort meeting with Region 3 pastors. Chris has been leading these monthly meetings for the past year and it was good to see the camaraderie that they’ve developed. Pastor Zach Szmara and his team at The Bridge generously hosted the meeting. Zach, Chris and I were joined by Logan Patriquin (Lafayette The Branch), Dan Fisher (Delphi Wesleyan), Matt Ohime (Davis Wesleyan), and Terry Vaughn (South Bend The Bridge) who connected via Zoom. Thursday, the District Board of Administration met at Lakeview Wesleyan Church in Marion with what would have been our District Conference agenda. Assistant DS Mike Colaw brought the devotional and challenged us to see the miracles beyond the mess. Our agenda included closing items from last conference year and significant items for the new conference year including approving ordination candidates and finalizing the ministerial appointment list. These documents will be complied and distributed as an annual report for the 2020 conference year. Credential cards will also be available and most will be distributed at the August 15 ordination service. If you need your card sooner (i.e. for chaplaincy or other employment), please contact Seth Bye. The DBA did appoint Craig Thurmon as our new district treasurer. We expressed appreciation to Nancy Schoonmaker for her exceptional contribution in establishing the new district and facilitating the transition to the shared services agreement with the General Treasurer’s Office. Nancy resigned after 4 years on our leadership team to devote additional time to the doctoral program she’s pursuing with IWU. We honored Mrs. Roxene Lo for her combined 22 years of service to the Indiana North and Crossroads District. Roxene’s dedication and faithfulness have impacted so many lives in her roles as missionary, pastor’s wife, district office manager, and Christian educator. Roxene taught classes at 4 different colleges, including Oklahoma Wesleyan and Indiana Wesleyan. We have been blessed by her ministry to our district and pray God’s best as she continues to serve in her local church. The DBA approved moving Albion Wesleyan Church from developing to established church status, and approved appointing Rev. Jeff Brady as church planter for Commoners’ Church, a new house church network in Grant County. We also appointed Pastor Bernie Haddad as the church planter for Eden Unleashed, a church planting project within the walls of the New Castle prison system. While our overall attendance was down slightly last year, baptisms were up from the previous. Our eight newest churches (less than 3 years old) baptized 69 new believers and led 92 people to Christ. The DBA discussed our current partnership with the Heartland Region and affirmed that collaboration. The DBA also voted to open the door for conversations with other districts who might want to considering joining us in the decentralized model we are creating. One way the Crossroads District model is unique is in the extent to which Assistant DS’s are empowered as regional ministry leaders. After the meeting, we enjoyed a delicious meal catered by The Branch (Fairmount) and honored Roxene for her years of service. Thursday evening, I joined the LBA at Hartford City Wesleyan Church for their monthly meeting. The church is doing well handling the unexpected resignation of their pastor. Attendance is back over the 50% mark since reopening with continued online ministry serving those of the congregation who have not yet been able to worship in person. Friday, I met with Dr. Ed Love, Executive Director of Church Multiplication for The Wesleyan Church. We met in Gaston near where he and his family reside. Ed and I first met when he was still a student at Asbury Seminary so it has been a joy to watch God bless Ed and Emily each time they have stepped out in faith to advance the Kingdom, whether through planting themselves or by equipping others. If you’d like to know more about church planting residencies and training, Dr. Love is the one to contact at HQ. Saturday morning, I met with the LBA members at Lancaster Wesleyan Church as they continue working through their pastoral transition. Pastor Doug Sharrard has faithfully served the church for 17 years and will be relocating to Marion. The LBA interviewed some strong candidates over the past few weeks but the consensus of the board was that the church would be best served by having the DBA appoint an intentional interim pastor. They determined that this would be a best next step to help them address strategic concerns and build greater unity over the next few months. Frankfort Connecting Point Church reported the first baptisms of this new conference year. Upon their profession of faith in Christ, Pastor Alan Downing had the joy of baptizing Cora Bachman and Jaden Bogard. Please share your baptism reports and photos so our district team can celebrate with your church. Congratulations to Pastor Dale and Lori Munsell on the arrival of their grandson Nehemiah on June 22. Nehemiah’s parents are Corey and Emilie Munsell, missionaries with Global Partners. Nehemiah, or someone in the family, likes our Colts. Many of you will be enjoying a few days away from the office this week as we celebrate July 4, our nation’s Independence Day. America is not perfect, but I can’t imagine anywhere else in the world that I would rather live. I’m grateful for the liberty that we enjoy here in the USA and indebted to those who paid the price for this freedom. The preamble to our constitution reads: “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” May we never stop working together toward a more perfect union with liberty and justice for all. More than ever before, we desperately need God to revive our nation and to grant us His peace. Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent Sunday morning, June 20, I had the privilege of worshiping with Pastor Jeff and Dr. Amy Luedtke at Fairmount Wesleyan Church. They have adjusted their schedule to offer two Sunday services (one at 9 and another at 11) allowing them to better accommodate social distancing and disinfecting guidelines. The music team led us in meaningful worship, I enjoyed the opportunity to preach the Word, and Pastor Jeff closed out each service with fun gifts for all the fathers. Fairmount Wesleyan has been on the move in the past year with the continued development of their coffee shop The Branch, with their support for the Rising Hope church planting project in Muncie, and a beautiful job updating their worship facility. Best of all, they celebrated 9 professions of faith in the last conference year. I am grateful for Pastor Jeff’s leadership in his church, in the community and on our DBA. The highlight of Monday was meeting with the Hartford City Wesleyan Church staff and then sharing supper with them at John and Debra Bonham’s home. In addition to chairing the Upland Town Council, John is the administrative director for the church. Tuesday, I drove to Cincinnati for another enjoyable meeting with the district superintendents of the Heartland Region (Crossroads, Greater Ohio, Indiana South, and Kentucky-Tennessee). This is our third year of working together. The recent Heartland Region Gathering in Pigeon Forge was one result of this collaboration. Another win has been the leadership cohort that Rev. Ken Murphy, pastor at Cypress Church in Columbus, has provided for encouragement and equipping. We continue to prayerfully explore next steps for greater impact in our region. Wednesday, I joined Assistant DS Matthew Trexler and area pastors for lunch with a leader who shared his vision for initiating a house church network in Marion. The recommendation of these pastors will be presented to the District Board of Administration this week. After the lunch meeting, I made a road trip to some of our northern churches. I stopped in to connect with Assistant Pastor Martin Furrow at Rochester The Cross. They’re making rapid progress in completing their addition and updating their auditorium. The next stop was at Plymouth Wesleyan Church to connect with Assistant Pastors Taylor Hulse and Ed Friberg. Pastor Rich VanVuren (Shiloh Wesleyan) and I met briefly for an update and prayer. When I arrived in South Bend, Pastor Greg Holmes (Sonlight Fellowship) and I were also able to meet for an update on the ministry and prayer. Pastor Terry Vaughn (The Bridge Urban Church) and I met for supper in downtown South Bend. After supper, I joined Pastor Terry for the online discipleship group that he leads on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Terry and Lennaire Vaughn are doing the difficult work of church planting in the inner city. I am grateful for each of our pastors and congregations who have partnered with them in this important ministry. After 22 years of dedicated ministry to our district office team, Mrs. Roxene Lo will be retiring at the end of this month. We will be recognizing her contribution at the DBA meeting on Thursday and honoring her at the Ordination Service on August 15. With our bookkeeping now handled by the General Treasurer’s office, Roxene’s retirement and the transition of Rev. Chris Williams back into full-time pastoral ministry at Lakeview (while also serving as Assistant DS for Region 3) will see us reworking our staffing model. Thursday, Seth Bye and I interviewed prospective staff members as we take a next step toward remote working arrangements. Friday morning, I connected with our staff members and checked in on Pastor Mark Atkinson who is recovering from a heart-related surgical procedure. Join us in praying for Mark’s full recovery. My final appointment for the week was a lunch meeting with an experienced minister who is considering transferring into The Wesleyan Church. In other transitions around the district, Parkview Wesleyan Church in Chesterfield added a new staff member. Anna Armiger, Pastor Jeremy Armiger’s wife, completed the requirements for licensed ministry and was welcomed to Parkview’s staff as an Assistant Pastor along with Dr. Jim Lo. Congratulations to one of our retired district superintendents. Dr. Steve and Carol Emery celebrated their 50th Anniversary last week. We are grateful for their many years of effective pastoral ministry and their district leadership in The Wesleyan Church. Congratulations to Josiah Gorveatte, worship director at McCordsville Harvest Church, on his engagement to Elizabeth Scotch of Destin, Florida. Josiah and Elizabeth are planning a wedding in the fall and we’re excited to welcome Elizabeth to our family. Sunday morning, we received the heartbreaking news from Pastor Rochelle and Travis Jenkins (planting Circle City Church). Their daughter Sydney Claire was born prematurely but was unable to survive. Some of you will know the long and difficult journey this has been for Pastor Rochelle and Travis. All of us can join in prayer for God’s comforting grace as they grieve this painful loss. “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Romans 12:15 (NIV) Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent Sunday morning, June 14, I had the privilege of preaching at Hartford City Wesleyan Church. Their pastor unexpectedly resigned on June 5 and I’ve been assisting their leadership team in working through this challenging transition. Hartford City Wesleyan was strengthened through the long-term ministry of Rev. Tom Parsons who left a solid foundation of Bible teaching. The congregation has a committed lay leadership team that will provide wise direction as the church moves forward. The church is also blessed to have John Bonham serving as administrator and their talented young staff includes four Taylor University students who are stepping up to the challenge. I know the team at Hartford City Wesleyan will welcome your prayers! I’m pleased to announce that Rev. Bob McHenry has accepted the unanimous call of our Nelson Street Wesleyan Church to become their new pastor. Bob brings a wealth of pastoral leadership experience to their church and will be a great addition to our Crossroads District team. I also want to thank Rev. Don Glenn who graciously stepped out of retirement to effectively serve Nelson Street for the past few years since the untimely death of Pastor Steve Fletcher. Let’s welcome Bob & Cheryl back to the Crossroads District and join them in prayer for an exciting new chapter in leading Nelson Street to reach out to their changing community. Last Monday, I connected with Pastor Mark Atkinson over lunch and then filmed a brief interview on his call to ministry. Monday afternoon, I dropped in for prayer with Rev. Shawnda Dykhoff, pastor at Brinker Heights Wesleyan Church in Marion. I met with the Hartford City Wesleyan Church staff for our first team meeting later on Monday afternoon. That evening, I had the chance to check in on Pastor Ben & Helen Parker (Back Creek Wesleyan Church) and pray with them as they made preparations to leave for a much-needed vacation. Tuesday’s schedule included our weekly district staff meeting, a drop-in visit for prayer with Pastor Duane Seitz (Silver Lake Wesleyan Church) at his home, and a drop-in visit for prayer with Pastor Steve Colter (Chapel Pike Wesleyan Church) in his office. Tuesday evening, Seth and I hosted a Zoom meeting for district pastors. We passed along district ministry updates and enjoyed the opportunity to spend time in prayer with other pastors in the breakout rooms. Our next monthly ZOOM call will be July 7, at 7 p.m. and you will receive a Zoom link from Seth later this month. Wednesday’s drop-in visits included Pastor Steve Arnett (New Castle Mount Zion), Pastor Steve Bray (Richmond LifeSpring Church), Pastor Theo Griffin (Greenfield Brown’s Chapel) and Pastor Brad LeRoy (McCordsville Harvest Church). It was fun to reconnect with Ben Wade who just joined Rev. Griffin’s staff at Brown’s Chapel. Ben and Katie, his wife, were students at Kingswood University when Sherry and I were serving there. We are pleased to welcome them as the newest members of our Crossroads District family. Thursday, Dr. David Smith chaired a subcommittee of the District Board of Ministerial Development. We completed follow-up business including reviewing the submission of annual service reports and preparations for the August 15 ordination service. Just a gentle reminder here that all ordained ministers are expected to join us for this most important event in the life of our district, unless excused for health concerns. Ministers will gather at Lakeview Wesleyan Church in Marion at 12:30 on August 15 for our group photo and further instructions for our participation. Thank you in advance. The highlight of Friday was meeting with a prospective church planter who is feeling called to plant a network of house churches. Assistant DS Matthew Trexler has invited all Grant County pastors for a lunch meeting this Wednesday at The River Church to learn more about the vision for this new Kingdom community. We continue to pray that God will send out workers into His harvest field. If you are sensing a call to church planting ministry, we invite you to take the first step by completing this online assessment: Once you’ve received your results, let us connect with you to discuss the opportunities. Thank you to the pastors who have already completed the Covid-19 response survey. Of those reporting to date, more than 80% of our churches will be meeting in person by the end of this month. Furthermore, of the churches reporting, most of them (more than 90%) have come through the first few months of restrictions with at least 1 month of financial reserves intact. If you’ve not yet completed the survey for your church, please do so ASAP. We want to make sure that your congregation is included in the report we present to the District Board of Administration on June 25. Here’s the link: Covid-19 Response Survey Our first Next Level church fitness leadership cohort is launching in August. For the past 5 years, the churches of our district have had the opportunity to participate in a consultative process called “Maximizing Impact.” We are grateful for each church that took advantage of this resource and for the positive results they experienced. Realizing that one size doesn’t fit all, the district invested in training four of our own team members through Tony Morgan’s UnStuck group to facilitate StratOp consultations. StratOp, the strategic operations planning process developed by Tom Paterson, continues to provide a facilitated resource for churches of all sizes who want to move into the future with great intentionality and alignment. There are still a few weekends available in this new conference year if you’d like to book one of our facilitators, either for your church’s first StratOp or for updating your plan. Next Level is a new monthly training and coaching experience the Crossroads District is offering for pastors and two key team leaders from his or her church. The curriculum covers key growth engines for church fitness in a cohort model that allows for shared learning and accountability. After four intensive training sessions, the teams move into an implementation and coaching phase in the second semester. Each team will focus on optimizing the unique strengths of their church to seize the unique opportunities for Kingdom impact in their community. This year’s Next Level Cohort is limited to 10 churches with 3 leaders from each of those congregations. Matching grants are available to assist churches with the registration fees. For more information or to enroll your church before the June 30 deadline, please contact Seth Bye or other members of our district staff. Keep on making a difference until He comes or calls you home! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.” Ephesians 2:14-16 (NIV) Sunday, June 7, I was with Pastor Harold Henson and the team at Colfax Wesleyan Church. Rev. Henson is another of our faithful bi-vocational pastors who combines ministry in the pulpit with ministry in the marketplace. Last week was their first week worshiping back in the building after the pandemic restrictions. I appreciated the opportunity to preach and then to lead the local church conference as Colfax Wesleyan voted to renew Pastor Henson’s call for four more years. We are grateful for the leadership that Pastor Harold and Angie have brought in returning to their home church. The road to Colfax allowed me to drop in on Pastor Johnnie Blair and Pastor Amanda Blair as their team was rehearsing to lead worship for their online service. In addition to her local church leadership, I am grateful that Pastor Amanda also makes time to serve on our District Board of Administration. Frankfort is the last stop before Colfax so I was able to check in on Pastor Alan Downing at Connecting Point Church. It was also good to get to see Dr. Ernest Batman, one of our retired district superintendents, who is an active member of this congregation. The team at Connecting Point has been hard at work remodeling the auditorium and they just put the finishing touches on their fellowship hall last week. Their next project is upgrading their kitchen to better serve their community. After the morning service in Colfax, I was able to make it back to Noblesville in time to worship with Pastor Nicholas and Adriana Zarate at Gloria del Rey (King of Glory) Church. Nicholas and Adriana provide faithful leadership to this congregation and to the Spanish-language congregation that is part of United Wesleyan Church in Anderson. They have recently completed their ordination preparation journey with the DBMD and, pending DBA approval, are looking forward to being ordained in August. Pastor Steve and Rosie Binns have also been hard at work updating Lone Oak Wesleyan Church in Anderson. I dropped in on them on Sunday afternoon to see the latest project that added a “Wow!” factor to their children’s space. Rosie’s artwork is designed to let children know that they are valued and that God has a wonderful plan for their lives. Sunday evening, I met with Pastor Duane Summitt and the congregation at Fishersburg Wesleyan Church. Pastor Duane is another of our faithful bi-vocational pastors and Fishersburg is one of our smaller congregations. They have a committed core of mostly retired folks who are devoted to each other and trying hard to keep the church alive. I shared a devotional and we had a crucial conversation about the future of the church. They will be reflecting on the questions we discussed and considering next steps. Last week’s schedule included drop-in visits and prayer with Pastor John Hannan (Union City CrossRoads) and Pastor Randy Yaryan (Winchester Wesleyan) on Monday. I met with our staff on Tuesday, dropped in on Rev. & Mrs. Richard Deisler in Fairmount, and spent time with Pastor Barry Taylor (Hartford City). Wednesday, Dr. Wayne Schmidt and I connect for a district update and prayer. The DS cohort met by Zoom again over lunch that day. Wednesday evening, I met with Pastor Barry Taylor and the Hartford City Wesleyan Church LBA. Thursday was another good day in the field connecting with Pastor Andy Cole (Lapel Daybreak), Pastor Jeremy Armiger (Chesterfield Parkview), and Pastor Joe Jackson (Anderson United Wesleyan). Pastor Joe and his team have been busy relocating their offices and remodeling their entry way to provide expanded capacity for welcoming guests. On Friday and Saturday, Sherry and I were excited to welcome all of our children home for a family “staycation.” We enjoyed bonfires, playing games, laughing a lot, and we may have eaten a bit more than we needed. Best of all, we experienced the joy of shared faith and meaningful conversations with these wonderful young adults that we are blessed to call our children. We are delighted to extend congratulations to Pastor Ben and Kirsten Jones on the happy occasion of their wedding this past weekend in Ohio. Ben pastors our Beaver Creek Wesleyan Church, just outside of South Bend. Kirsten is a PK (preacher’s kid) and she’s looking forward to joining Ben as they serve this loving congregation. Thank you to each one of our Crossroads District leaders who has engaged in prayerful conversations and peaceful demonstrations this past week. Christian leaders can both abhor police violence and support our first responders. Christian leaders can both engage in peaceful protests and decry the rioters destroying minority-owned businesses. Christian leaders can mourn the heart-breaking deaths of both George Floyd and David Dorn. What Christian leaders cannot do is remain silent. “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression…” Isaiah 1:17 (ESV) Prayer requests this week include retired pastor Rev. Dr. Max Kingsolver (most recently at Mt. Hope Chapel) who is walking through cancer treatments. Pray for Pastor Brad LeRoy (McCordsville Harvest) as he works through a new health concern. We also want to be praying for Rev. Barry Taylor and the Hartford City Wesleyan Church. Pastor Taylor resigned over the weekend and is returning to West Virginia to resolve family concerns. Pray as the Hartford City LBA provides transitional leadership for this conference year. REMINDER: All Crossroads District pastors are invited to join us this Tuesday evening, June 9 at 9 p.m., for our monthly ZOOM connection. We’ll share a couple of brief updates but the primary focus will be breaking out in small groups for connection and prayer. Pastors will have received a ZOOM link but you can reach out to Seth Bye in our office if you need assistance. Pastors, if you’ve not yet completed the brief survey that Seth emailed to you last week, please do so ASAP and we’ll share those results in tomorrow evening’s meeting. Thank you for all that you are doing to advance the cause of Christ in your community. Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent PS: Save the Date! Crossroads District Ordination will be August 15, 1 p.m., at Lakeview Wesleyan Church in Marion. All ordained ministers are expected to attend and will gather at 12:30 for our group picture with our ordinands. We are delighted that Dr. Wayne Schmidt, our General Superintendent will be joining us again this year. Thank you for making this a priority. Injustice. Death. Destruction. The tragic events that unfolded this past week were sparked by the loss of George Floyd’s life under the knee of a person entrusted to serve and protect. There is no justification for failing to provide relief and medical aid to a man in handcuffs who cannot breathe. The subsequent protests and riots speak of deeper, historic pain and suffering but they are powerless to restore this one precious life. The Book of Common Prayer offers this petition “For the Death of Someone Killed in The Neighborhood.” Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world Have mercy on us. Grant us peace. For the unbearable toil of our sinful world, We plead for remission. For the terror of absence from our beloved, We plead for your comfort. For the scandalous presence of death in your Creation, We plead for the resurrection. Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world Have mercy on us. Grant us peace. Our words will be inadequate but silence is insufferable. We can change laws, but laws don’t change hearts. Political promises are as empty as they are plentiful. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ faithfully proclaimed and faithfully lived out offers any hope for justice, righteousness, and peace in our nation. “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression…” Isaiah 1:17 (ESV) For many of us, it will not be our sins of commission that will cry out against us. It is far more likely that it will be our sins of omission, not doing what we could to become part of the solution. It does not matter whether we personally caused the injustice, the Bible makes it clear that we are called by God to stand with the oppressed and to seek justice. If we fail to act to correct the oppression, we become complicit in the evil. We must not allow silence to become consent. None of us can change everything. All of us can do something. Listen prayerfully. Speak truthfully. Stand courageously. Serve lovingly. “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 (ESV) Pentecost Sunday morning, May 31, I joined Pastor Tony Bye and the team at Brookhaven Wesleyan Church for both of their morning services. They are still rejoicing over the answered prayers in the wonderful recovery of David Henry. It was a blessing to see David and his family worshiping together. I had the privilege of preaching at Brookhaven and it was the first time preaching with people in the auditorium in over three months. Pastor Tony and his team have done a great job leading through this transitional season in both their online ministry and preparing the facility to welcome back their congregation. Sunday afternoon, Sherry and I participated in the farewell Commissioning Service for Pastor John and Danielle Freed at Waterline. Staff members, lay leaders and friends gathered for this special occasion in the parking lot outside the Wesleyan HQ building where Waterline meets. General Superintendent Dr. Wayne Schmidt prayed the commissioning prayer. The Freeds are leaving a wonderful legacy of changed lives here in Indiana. We are praying for God’s blessing as they accept the new challenge of leading multiplication in the Great Lakes Region District! Last evening was to have been the opening session of General Conference 2020. Although the gathering in Saint Louis was postponed until 2021, the scheduled prayer gathering moved online. General Superintendent Dr. Schmidt and his team led us in a concert of prayer that included Wesleyans from around the globe. Thank you to the many Crossroads District leaders who participated and to Josh Lavender, worship pastor on staff at Indianapolis Trinity, who led us in the musical portion of our prayer time. Most of us enjoyed a slightly shorter week with Memorial Day on Monday. Our district staff meeting was on Tuesday. Assistant DS Chris Williams has now fully transitioned into his role as Lead Pastor at Lakeview Wesleyan Church. We’re grateful for Chris being willing to serve as Assistant DS for Region 3 this year and he’ll continue with the coaching cohort he’s been leading for these pastors. Tuesday evening I was in Richmond for a coaching conversation with Pastor Claudia and Victor Silva. Pastor Claudia is bi-vocational so the past few weeks have been difficult with her employer closing. Fortunately, Victor’s work was steady for the past few months and then the dental practice where Claudia works reopened last week. The church has held together well although some families were directly impacted by the pandemic. Wednesday morning, I met with Pastor Logan Westrick at Ash Street Wesleyan Church in Tipton for our annual coaching conversation. I participated in the weekly Zoom call for district superintendents that Dr. Karl Eastlack hosts at noon on Wednesdays. Rev. Ervin Webster, pastor of Saint Stephen Wesleyan Church in Warren Park, and I met on Wednesday afternoon. It was good to catch up with Pastor Webster and to hear how their members have continued to serve through this crisis. Thursday morning, I met with Pastor Tony Bye in Marion in preparation for Sunday at Brookhaven. Thursday afternoon I connected with Pastor Jim Weinmann at his HQ office for an update on the ministry at Evanston Avenue Wesleyan Church. My last stop for day was with Rev. Barry Dixon, pastor of Calvary Family Church and member of the DBA. I appreciated Pastor Barry’s time and wisdom in this difficult season. Friday morning, I represented our district team at the home-going celebration for Mrs. Faith Watkins held at Circle of Hope Wesleyan Church in Noblesville. Dr. Earle Wilson, General Superintendent Emeritus, preached the funeral message and Dr. Rich Schenck and Rev. Carol Schenck shared in leading the service. Please pray for the Watkins family as they grieve their loss. Friday afternoon, I was able to connect with Pastor Craig and Tiffany Thurmon, our church planters leading The Encounter Assembly on the east side of Indianapolis. Church planting is never easy but planting in the middle of a pandemic is especially challenging. Please keep the Thurmons in your prayers as they lead this new work. Rev. Charles Moorer, pastor of our Divine Direction congregation in Indianapolis was my last appointment for the day. Pastor Chuck’s anointed music ministry has been expanding nationally but he still continues to provide exceptional leadership in this neighborhood church that offers community-impacting ministries including their food kitchen and discipleship program. Saturday morning, Assistant DS Mike Colaw hosted a ZOOM meeting for our pastors in Region 2. Seth and I were able to join the group. Several of these congregations serve the greater Indianapolis community and that was a special focus of our prayer time. Congratulations to Pastor Lyle and Pat Breeding on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. We appreciate Lyle and Pat and are grateful for the way they lead the ministry of Bluffton Sonlight Wesleyan Church. Thank you all for leading with vision and faith in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent |
February 2025