Saturday evening, August 27, and Sunday morning, August 28, I was blessed to worship at LifeSpring Church (north campus) with Dr. Steve Bray and his team. These are good days at LifeSpring with attendance up 10% and God blessing in unusual ways. Their most recent outdoor baptism service included 20 new believers and they’re making plans for another baptism opportunity this fall. The city of Richmond recently donated a small park directly across the street from their south campus and another donor stepped forward with a gift of $200,000 to provide parking and playground equipment on that site. The LBA (local board of administration) met with me between the morning services and it was good to reconnect with these committed leaders. Some of you may know that LifeSpring (formerly known as Fountain City Wesleyan Church) is the oldest congregation in our conference and one of the oldest in the denomination. Abolitionists like Daniel Worth, first president of the Indiana Abolitionist Society, organized this church in the spring of 1843. In the photo below, you see Dr. Bray standing at the very pulpit from which Daniel Worth, Sojourner Truth, and Frederick Douglas preached. LifeSpring has an amazing heritage and a bright future! From LifeSpring, our oldest church, I journeyed on to Muncie Rising Hope, one of our newest churches. Rev. Michael and Kim Hewitt were hosting a luncheon for the Ball State University students and others who will be part of Devoted, their young adult ministry, this fall. It was good to see the connections that Rising Hope is building with the BSU campus. If you have students from your congregation attending Ball State, Rising Hope would be a welcoming ministry for them during the school year. I also had the chance to sit in with Pastor Michael and his leadership team as they continue to discern God’s direction for their first multiplication project. Like every healthy church plant, Rising Hope knows that they need to plant in their first five years to ensure that multiplication is embedded in their DNA. Sherry serves as treasurer for The River Church in Marion so Pastor Trexler invited us to attend the launching event of their newest ministry called the Legacy Team. The Legacy Team is a group of lay people with the spiritual gift of giving who are committed to maximizing their “e-ROI” (eternal return on investment). Lee Domingue, who leads the Legacy Team at Church of the Highlands, shared insights from his book (Stay in Your Lane) and challenged the team to make sure that their spiritual gifts were making an impact for eternity. Last week began with our district office team meeting in Marion with the last part of that focused on the upcoming Celebration of Holiness event, September 30, at College Wesleyan Church. We have a great lineup of speakers for this one-day event and the $20 registration fee includes your meal and Kevin Watson’s new book, Perfect Love. Make plans to join us for this informative and inspiring presentation. Note: This event is open to pastors, lay leaders, and ministerial students. Here’s the link to register: On Tuesday, Rev. Trevor O’Dell (pastor of Lancaster Wesleyan Church) and I met for our annual coaching conversation. This is Trevor’s first lead pastor role since completing his church-planting residency at Muncie Rising Hope. I’m grateful for the many young leaders that God is calling to join our team in the Crossroads District. Rev. Angela Spangler, Executive Director of Fairmount Camp, and I met at Abbey Coffee on Tuesday. It was good to connect with Rev. Spangler and hear the encouraging reports from this past summer at Fairmount. You may recall that the Indiana North District launched Fairmount Camp as a new self-governing ministry prior to the merger that created the Crossroads District in 2016. Rev. Spangler and her team are doing a great job of providing camps and events that reach hundreds of youth, children, and adults. Their Married Couples Retreat is coming up on September 9-11 and this will mark the 50th year that this event has been held at Fairmount Camp. Wednesday, I was back on the road for coaching conversations beginning with Pastor Mike Henry at Level 13 Church in Fort Wayne. Mike is just a few months into his new leadership role but it’s encouraging to hear the reports of disciples making disciples. My next stop was with Pastor Thomas Beck at Larwill Wesleyan Church. In addition to working full-time in the marketplace and pastoring the church, Thomas also serves a board chair for Cornerstone Christian School in Albion. My final stop of the day was with Rev. Shane Wilson, pastor at Columbia City New Hope. We met at Shane’s favorite coffee shop and it was fun to see the many connections he had with the community. Thursday morning, I met with Dr. John Kulaga, our new president at Indiana Wesleyan University. Dr. Kulaga is an ordained minister in the Free Methodist denomination and we met as part of his application process to transfer his credentials into The Wesleyan Church. Christian higher education leadership has always been a challenge but never more so than today. Please pray for Dr. Kulaga and his team as they move IWU forward in its mission as a “Christ-centered academic community committed to changing the world by developing students in character, scholarship, and leadership.” Thursday afternoon, I was able to join the webinar sponsored by Wesley Seminary that Joel Hunt hosted featuring Rev. Joe Colaw and Rev. Mike Colaw. This father-son combination presented a wealth of context on what it takes to thrive in long-term pastoral ministry. Pastor Joe has led the First Wesleyan Church in Bartlesville, OK for the past 32 years and he’s still going strong! After a day off on Friday, I was able to join in the closing sessions of 21 Days of Prayer at Lakeview Wesleyan Church and The River Church. Thank you to each leader who has prioritized prayer as we move into this fall season of harvest. Churches participating in 21 Days of Prayer are already making plans for the January opportunity as we launch into the new year. We’d love to have you join us! Saturday afternoon, before heading to LifeSpring, I dropped in on Pastor Seth Bye and his team at 317Church in Avon. They were hosting a well-attended community outreach event on their campus in preparation for their preview services in September and their launch on October 2. They had a team of approximately 40 volunteers serving at this event. Pray with Pastor Seth and Kassidy as they reach out to the rapidly-growing community in Hendricks County! Congratulations to Rev. Jared and Kayla Webb on the birth of their daughter, Quinnly Catherine Webb, this past week. Both mother and daughter are home and doing well. Jared and Kayla both serve on staff with Dr. Chris Williams at Marion Lakeview Wesleyan Church. We praise God for this precious gift of life and can’t wait to meet the newest member of our Crossroads District ministry family. We love to rejoice with our churches that are celebrating baptisms. This week we received news from Rev. Eliorgy Guerrero and Pastor Jose Cardenas at Elkhart Cielos Abiertos Iglesia Wesleyana had the joy of baptizing three new believers last weekend! Praise God for lives #MadeNew Rev. Calimerio Rodriguez and the team at Frankfort Templo de Poder Iglesia Wesleyana also conducted an outdoor baptism service last week with three new believers publicly professing their faith in Christ. Praise the Lord for these spiritual victories! I thank God for Pastor Calimerio and Sister Maria Rodrigues who have been faithfully leading Templo de Poder for more than 20 years! Pastor Dave Leitzel and Hamilton Wesleyan also celebrated a baptism service last week with three new believers! Praise the Lord! May God continue to bless you with His favor as you make disciples and multiply the church! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent P.S. There are still a few openings left in both the Groundswell Disciple-Making cohort with Rev. Jon Wiest and in the rural ministry cooperative led by Rev. Steve McVey and the Dirt Roads Network. Contact the district office for more information and to register. Sunday morning, August 21, Sherry and I had the privilege of worshiping with Rev. Gary Bingham and the wonderful congregation at Marion Hillside Wesleyan Church. The church is rebuilding from the pandemic with 100 in average attendance last year and with 8 new believers baptized. In addition to their neighborhood outreach, Hillside has an active ministry partnership in Haiti. Following the morning worship service, the congregation gathered in their fellowship hall over a shared meal. It was heartwarming to hear the stories of life change as we shared around the table. Pastor Gary and Karen Bingham have faithfully served this community of faith for 30 years, beginning in 1992. Congratulations on this milestone in ministry! Sunday evening, I was able to join Rev. Angela Spangler, Executive Director, and her team at Fairmount Camp for the closing service of the Old Time Camp Meeting. Dr. Stewart brought a closing challenge on finishing strong with insights from the Apostle Paul’s words to Timothy. I heard good reports from the services they held this past week. We began the second week of the 21 Days of Prayer focus across our district team and I was able to drop in at The River on Monday morning and heard Amonte King bring the devotional to begin their hour of prayer. Thank you to our pastors who are leading our churches in making prayer a priority! Following the prayer time, I joined Pastor Matthew Trexler in the leadership cohort that he leads with area pastors. This is one of several cohorts that are meeting across our district this year. There’s still time to join the Dirt Roads Network cohort led by Steve McVey and a few slots are remaining for the Groundswell Disciple-Making cohort lead by Jon Wiest. Pastors received details directly on how to sign up and they can call our office for additional information. Our district office staff met on Monday afternoon to wrap up last edits on the district conference journal and to coordinate on upcoming district events including the Celebration of Holiness and the free course on Wesleyan Church History and Discipline for ministerial students. Tuesday, I was on the road to connect with Pastor Michael Hewitt in Muncie. Pastor Mike and Kim along with their amazing children moved to Muncie in 2017 and launched Rising Hope Church in 2018. We’re praising God with them for the impact of this new church. They average 107 in worship last year and are getting ready to launch a second service this year to accommodate the growth that they’re anticipating. One of the goals of this new church was to make inroads at Ball State University and they’re seeing more students coming each fall. In addition to their ministry in Muncie, Rising Hope has a growing partnership with a church planter in Spain and Rev. Hewitt will be visiting him later this fall. Pastor Mike is also our district champion for church multiplication. If you know of potential church planting opportunities or church planter candidates, we’d be glad to connect them with Pastor Hewitt. I was on the road for coaching conversations with pastors on Wednesday. My first stop was with Rev. Theo Griffin (Brown’s Chapel Wesleyan Church) in Greenfield. In addition to leading the church well, Pastor Theo is on the final section of completing his Doctor of Ministry degree with Wesley Seminary, Rev. Joe Jackson and I met over lunch in Anderson and then toured two locations where United Wesleyan Church is expanding their ministry impact this fall. My final stop of the day was with Pastor David Shafer at North Anderson Wesleyan Church. Rev. Shafer is another of our effective bi-vocational pastors who make a difference both in the marketplace and in their local church ministry. Thursday morning, I traveled to Delphi to meet with Rev. Dan Fisher for our annual coaching conversation. Delphi Wesleyan has grown by 50% in the past 6 months and Pastor Dan points to focused prayer as the key. The adult Sunday School class, now called “Doctrine and Donuts,” has grown from 8 to more than 30. Dan is another bi-vocational pastor who drives a bus for the local school system. His ministry in the marketplace has included praying with his boss to receive Christ and having other bus drivers becoming part of the congregation. Thursday evening, I was able to attend the Old Time Camp Meeting at Fairmount Camp. Dr. Matthew Stewart preached on the theme of finishing strong and Rev. Ken Dykhoff led the singing. It was good to see familiar faces like Dr. Bud Bence and Dr. Howard Castle in attendance. I had the joy of connecting with Rev. Aldean and Jesse Pablo over lunch in Roanoke on Friday. I’m grateful for the way they are leading ARISE, our newest church in the Fort Wayne area. The church just completed paving their parking lot in preparation for the fall season of ministry. Please keep the Pablo’s and their team in your prayers as they reach out to southwest Allen County. Saturday morning, I was blessed to close out the week by joining Dr. Chris Williams and the team at Marion Lakeview Wesleyan Church for their prayer gathering. It was encouraging to hear Dr. Williams share some of the stories of answered prayer that they are seeing at Lakeview! You know that we love to share the stories of God on the move across our district team and one of the best evidences of God’s grace is found in the baptism of new believers. We’re rejoicing with Rev. Dan Van Cise and the Marion West 8th Street Wesleyan Church as they welcomed 3 new members and baptized 1 new believer last week! Rev. Ryan Budde and the team at Westview Wesleyan Church in Jonesboro celebrated 4 baptisms yesterday morning, including testimonies of people impacted through their Celebrate Recovery ministry. And Pastor Trexler and The River Church (Marion campus) celebrated baptisms again on Sunday for the fifth week in a row. Praise the Lord for every life #MadeNew! I encourage every church in our district to schedule at least one baptism service before Thanksgiving and then another by Easter. God is on the move as we step out in obedience to make disciples! Please make plans to join us next month for our Celebration of Holiness featuring Dr. Chris Bounds, Dr. Jonathan Morgan, Dr Steve DeNeff, Dr. Jim Lo, Rev. Carla Working, and Dr. Chris Williams. This one-day Crossroads District event is hosted at College Wesleyan Church and is co-sponsored by Wesley Seminary. The cost is $20 which includes your lunch and a copy of Dr. Kevin Watson’s new book, Perfect Love. This event is open to pastors, lay leaders, and students. Here’s the link: Keep on making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent P.S. – Fairmount Camp is hosting their 50th Annual Marriage Retreat on September 9-11. For more details and registration, here’s the link: Rev. Joshua Fox is our new pastor at Hartford City Wesleyan Church and I had the privilege of conducting his installation service during their morning worship service on Sunday, August 14. Pastor Josh and Candace, his wife, have three beautiful children and are returning to Indiana after serving in a Nazarene Church in the Boston area for several years. Candace is originally from Gas City and was part of the youth group at Gas City Eastview Wesleyan Church in her teen years back when Rev. Mark Atkinson was the youth pastor. Hartford City Wesleyan Church is on a strong comeback after a difficult pastoral transition and a time of interim ministry through the toughest days of the pandemic. They have a wonderful team of committed lay leaders and I’m excited to see what God has in store as Pastor Fox leads them into this new chapter! Last week started our 21 Days of Prayer to move us into the fall season of ministry. I was able to drop in with Pastor Trexler at The River Church for their Monday and Friday morning prayer times, and also joined Dr. Chris Williams and the team at Lakeview Wesleyan Church on Wednesday morning. Dr. Rich and Rev. Carol Schenck are leading their team in prayer online each night and I was able to join them for one of their evening sessions. Several of our district churches are hosting 21 Days of Prayer in live gatherings or online over these three weeks. If you’d like to link up with other district partners via the online resources, here’s the website: Last week’s coaching conversations included Rev. Michael Colaw (Indianapolis Trinity) on Wednesday, and then with Rev. Paul Van Cise (Bryant Wesleyan) and Rev. Aaron Lee (LaOtto Cultivate Church) on Thursday. Our office staff met on Monday afternoon and toured a possible site for next year’s district conference. Rev. Craig Thurmon (District Secretary), Rev. Carla Working, Michael Wood, and I met online on Wednesday in preparation for our September DBA meeting. I was able to take Friday and Saturday off to be with our family for a very special occasion. Some of you will know that Sherry Gorveatte, my better half, has been working on her doctoral degree over the past 3 years. Our family gathered to celebrate her graduation on Saturday with a Doctor of Business Administration degree (with a specialization in accounting) from Indiana Wesleyan University. We couldn’t be more proud of Dr. G! Last week also marked the first week on the job for Rev. Dr. Jon Kulaga, the new president at Indiana Wesleyan University. Dr. Jim Lo, Rev. Bob Burchell, and Dr. Andrea Summers (all ordained ministers in our Crossroads District) led the assembled staff who gathered to pray over Dr. Kulaga on his first day. We invite you to join us in praying for President Kulaga’s leadership at IWU. We are also pleased to welcome Rev. Kulaga (as an ordained minister in process of transfer) to our Crossroads District team. Plan to join us next month for our day-long Celebration of Holiness featuring Dr. Chris Bounds, Dr. Jonathan Morgan, and Dr Steve DeNeff. This one-day Crossroads District event is hosted at College Wesleyan Church and co-sponsored by Wesley Seminary. The cost is $20 which includes your lunch and a copy of Dr. Kevin Watson’s new book, Perfect Love. This event is open to pastors, lay leaders, and students. Here’s the link: The speakers have been announced for The Gathering in Orlando, January 4-6, 2023, and you’re sure to recognize some familiar faces. Dr. Steve DeNeff (Marion College Wesleyan) and Danielle Freed (formerly with Fishers Waterline Church) will be two of the keynote speakers. Here’s the link for more information and to register: Praise the Lord for another weekend with baptisms in our Crossroads District churches! Pastor Noah Farmer and the team at Gas City Eastview Wesleyan Church had the joy of celebrating 3 more baptisms this past Sunday. Pastor Andy Jellison and the team at Lifeway Wesleyan Church in Fort Wayne are rejoicing today with the three more people who entered the waters of baptism this past Sunday. The River Church in Marion celebrated three baptisms yesterday. This was the fourth weekend in a row with people publicly professing their faith in Christ through the waters of baptisms. God is on the move! We praise God for the wonderful stories of lives being #MadeNew by the power of Jesus Christ! If your church has recently celebrated baptisms, please pass along photos and stories so that we can rejoice with you! Keep on making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent P.S. Fairmount Camp is inviting you to “Old Time Camp Meeting” this Wednesday over Sunday, August 17-21. Services will be held each evening beginning at 6:00 p.m. Sunday morning. August 7, I had the privilege of worshiping with Rev. Don Bayne and his team at New Carlisle Wesleyan Church, just a few miles west of South Bend. New Carlisle Wesleyan Church is celebrating their 125th anniversary of ministry this fall, so it was a special delight to bring them greetings from the Crossroads District. I appreciated the opportunity to preach and then, following the service, to meet with Pastor Bayne and his leadership team. Last year, New Carlisle celebrated 15 professions of faith! From New Carlisle, it was just a quick drive into South Bend to connect with Rev. Terry and Lennaire Vaughn at The Bridge Urban Church. I’m always encouraged by the good work that their team is doing to make disciples in the inner city. They continue to search for a permanent facility in the city. Pastor Terry brought a strong message from the book of Nehemiah about God’s people having a heart for their broken down city including this line: “Jerusalem was tore up from the floor up!” It was good to reconnect with some of the church leaders over lunch, including Eric McDaniels, who some of you may remember from his “Lead Like Wesley” rap at our district conference. Thank you to each leader and congregation who has partnered in helping this new ministry get off the ground in South Bend! On my way back home from South Bend, I dropped in at Gas City Eastview Wesleyan Church to thank Pastor Noah Farmer and their team of volunteers for hosting a community picnic. These volunteers were hard at work but they were also having lots of fun. Last week’s meetings included coaching conversations with Rev. Andy Riemersma (Westfield ONE Church) on Tuesday, Rev. Rick Fletcher (Fort Wayne Lifeway) and Rev. David Dignal (Edgerton Wesleyan) on Wednesday, and Rev. Josh Bowlin (Marion Chapel Pike) and Pastor Ben Jones (North Liberty Beaver Creek Wesleyan) on Thursday. On Friday, Sherry and I hosted some of the newest pastors and their spouses for an evening of fellowship in our home. Rev. Josh and Becca Bowlin (Marion Chapel Pike), Rev. Josh and Candy Fox (Hartford City Wesleyan), Rev. Jon and Lindsey Noggle (Elwood Central Wesleyan), and Rev. Phil Carder (Lafayette The Branch) were able to join us. It was a joy to welcome these newest members of our ministerial fellowship and gratifying to see the way that God is continuing to build our district team. Saturday morning, I joined Dr. Chris Williams and Rev. Carla Working for our annual District Board of Ministerial Development orientation at Marion Lakeview Wesleyan Church. We had more than 30 of these key team members present for this important session. This team is entrusted with the significant responsibility of developing almost 100 emerging leaders who are answering God’s call to the ministry of Word and sacrament. We are always excited to share the encouraging reports of life change from churches across our district. Rev. Nathan Richardson and the team at Indianapolis Southview Wesleyan Church celebrated a baptism last Sunday morning. We rejoice with them in another life being #MadeNew! Dr. Steve Bray and the team at Richmond LifeSpring Church celebrated 20 baptisms at an outdoor service last evening. What a wonderful way to celebrate these lives #MadeNew in Christ! Pastor Matthew and the team at The River Church in Marion continue to see a wonderful season of harvest in the middle school ministry led by Pastor Sam Kauerauf. They celebrated three more baptisms yesterday with nearly 900 in attendance between the three services. Praise the Lord! Don’t miss out on our day-long Celebration of Holiness featuring Dr. Chris Bounds, Dr. Jonathan Morgan, and Dr Steve DeNeff. This one-day Crossroads District event is hosted at College Wesleyan Church and co-sponsored by Wesley Seminary. The cost is $20 which includes your lunch and a copy of Dr. Kevin Watson’s new book, Perfect Love. This event is open to pastors, lay leaders, and students. Here’s the link: Several of our district churches are hosting 21 Days of Prayer over these next three weeks. If you’d like to link up with us via the online resources, here’s the website: Keep on making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent Sherry and I had the privilege of worshiping with Rev. Theo Griffin and his team at Greenfield Brown’s Chapel on Sunday morning, July 31. God has been answering prayer in Greenfield with people coming to Christ, baptisms, new members, and financial miracles. It was good to connect with key lay leaders and share the morning message. In addition to leading this growing church, Rev. Griffin is in the final stages of completing his Doctor of Ministry degree at Wesley Seminary. After the service, Pastor Theo and Randy Griffin joined us for lunch. One of the things we have in common is being new grandparents. We shared lots of stories and pictures including this one from the day that Rev. Griffin had the privilege of dedicating his grandson to the Lord. Sunday afternoon, Sherry and I met with Rev. Neftali and Rev. Grace Lopez to catch up with them since concluding their ministry at Carmel Amistad. They’ve been attending the launch team meetings with Rev. Seth Bye at 317 Church in Avon and also helping out at Monte de Sion in Indianapolis. Pastor Neftali has agreed to visit our Hispanic churches this year on my behalf and I’m grateful for the encouragement that he will bring to these pastors. Sunday evening, I had the joy of installing Rev. Phil Carder as the new pastor at The Branch Wesleyan Church in Lafayette. Rev. Carder is another one of our pastors who is pursuing his Doctor of Ministry degree at Wesley Seminary. Pastor Phil is off to a strong start in his ministry at The Branch and it was encouraging to see the youth of the church come back for this special occasion. Last Monday, I met with our district staff over lunch and then finished out the day by connecting with Dr. Jim Lo, one of our circuit riders and the leader of our district prayer team. On Tuesday, Sherry and I joined the staff of The River Church in Birmingham, Alabama at the Church of the Highlands for the GROW Conference. Last year we were privileged to attend with a large group from our district and we were delighted to return. Pastor Chris Hodges and his team do a great job of outlining the core principles that have fueled their growth from 0 to 50,000 in the last 20 years. Dr. John Maxwell, a long-time mentor for Pastor Chris, was also back again this year with humor and leadership insights. Church of the Highlands has a contagious culture of excellence and generosity. I encourage you to explore the helpful resources that they make available on their website: Good news! The GROW Conference is coming to Indianapolis! Pastor Chris Hodges and his team from Church of the Highlands are bringing a one-day version of their GROW Conference to Heartland Church, on Tuesday, March 7. Here’s the link where you and your team can register: We love to hear the stories of changed lives and baptism reports from across our district family. Pastor Ryan Budde and the team at Westview Wesleyan Church in Jonesboro reported six baptisms over the past three weeks and have three more scheduled for August! Pastor Zack Working and the team at Huntington Hope Rising Church had their annual outdoor baptism and church picnic yesterday afternoon. Five people stepped forward to publicly profess their faith in Christ through baptism! Rev. Johnnie Blair, Rev. Amanda Blair, and the team at Tipton Trinity Wesleyan Church celebrated 7 baptisms yesterday including Johnnie and Amanda’s youngest daughter. Rev. David Cox and the team at Laketon Wesleyan Church celebrated another baptism yesterday at their annual church picnic. Praise the Lord for these wonderful reports of lives being #MadeNew! There is still time for your church to join in with us on the 21 Days of Prayer opportunity. Here’s the link to the prayer guide and other resources: Join us for a day-long celebration of Christian Holiness, or what John Wesley called our “Grand Depositum.” This one-day Crossroads District event is hosted by College Wesleyan Church and co-sponsored by Wesley Seminary. The cost if $20 which includes your lunch and a copy of Dr. Kevin Watson’s new book, Perfect Love. The lineup of speakers include Steve DeNeff, Jonathon Morgan, Carla Working, Chris Williams, Jim Lo, and Chris Bounds. This event is open to pastors, laity, and students. Here’s the link: Next Level is an intentional training day designed for pastors and a core team of 2-6 lay leaders. This training focuses on empowering church health and effectiveness by engaging with essential growth engines that every church needs. Each church will be trained in five key growth engines and will receive coaching for six months following the training day to develop customized action plans for your local church. This year’s event will be held in Marion on Saturday, September 17. Here’s the link for more information: Thank you for all you do to advance the Kingdom! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent |
September 2024