Rev. Joshua Fox is our new pastor at Hartford City Wesleyan Church and I had the privilege of conducting his installation service during their morning worship service on Sunday, August 14. Pastor Josh and Candace, his wife, have three beautiful children and are returning to Indiana after serving in a Nazarene Church in the Boston area for several years. Candace is originally from Gas City and was part of the youth group at Gas City Eastview Wesleyan Church in her teen years back when Rev. Mark Atkinson was the youth pastor. Hartford City Wesleyan Church is on a strong comeback after a difficult pastoral transition and a time of interim ministry through the toughest days of the pandemic. They have a wonderful team of committed lay leaders and I’m excited to see what God has in store as Pastor Fox leads them into this new chapter! Last week started our 21 Days of Prayer to move us into the fall season of ministry. I was able to drop in with Pastor Trexler at The River Church for their Monday and Friday morning prayer times, and also joined Dr. Chris Williams and the team at Lakeview Wesleyan Church on Wednesday morning. Dr. Rich and Rev. Carol Schenck are leading their team in prayer online each night and I was able to join them for one of their evening sessions. Several of our district churches are hosting 21 Days of Prayer in live gatherings or online over these three weeks. If you’d like to link up with other district partners via the online resources, here’s the website: Last week’s coaching conversations included Rev. Michael Colaw (Indianapolis Trinity) on Wednesday, and then with Rev. Paul Van Cise (Bryant Wesleyan) and Rev. Aaron Lee (LaOtto Cultivate Church) on Thursday. Our office staff met on Monday afternoon and toured a possible site for next year’s district conference. Rev. Craig Thurmon (District Secretary), Rev. Carla Working, Michael Wood, and I met online on Wednesday in preparation for our September DBA meeting. I was able to take Friday and Saturday off to be with our family for a very special occasion. Some of you will know that Sherry Gorveatte, my better half, has been working on her doctoral degree over the past 3 years. Our family gathered to celebrate her graduation on Saturday with a Doctor of Business Administration degree (with a specialization in accounting) from Indiana Wesleyan University. We couldn’t be more proud of Dr. G! Last week also marked the first week on the job for Rev. Dr. Jon Kulaga, the new president at Indiana Wesleyan University. Dr. Jim Lo, Rev. Bob Burchell, and Dr. Andrea Summers (all ordained ministers in our Crossroads District) led the assembled staff who gathered to pray over Dr. Kulaga on his first day. We invite you to join us in praying for President Kulaga’s leadership at IWU. We are also pleased to welcome Rev. Kulaga (as an ordained minister in process of transfer) to our Crossroads District team. Plan to join us next month for our day-long Celebration of Holiness featuring Dr. Chris Bounds, Dr. Jonathan Morgan, and Dr Steve DeNeff. This one-day Crossroads District event is hosted at College Wesleyan Church and co-sponsored by Wesley Seminary. The cost is $20 which includes your lunch and a copy of Dr. Kevin Watson’s new book, Perfect Love. This event is open to pastors, lay leaders, and students. Here’s the link: The speakers have been announced for The Gathering in Orlando, January 4-6, 2023, and you’re sure to recognize some familiar faces. Dr. Steve DeNeff (Marion College Wesleyan) and Danielle Freed (formerly with Fishers Waterline Church) will be two of the keynote speakers. Here’s the link for more information and to register: Praise the Lord for another weekend with baptisms in our Crossroads District churches! Pastor Noah Farmer and the team at Gas City Eastview Wesleyan Church had the joy of celebrating 3 more baptisms this past Sunday. Pastor Andy Jellison and the team at Lifeway Wesleyan Church in Fort Wayne are rejoicing today with the three more people who entered the waters of baptism this past Sunday. The River Church in Marion celebrated three baptisms yesterday. This was the fourth weekend in a row with people publicly professing their faith in Christ through the waters of baptisms. God is on the move! We praise God for the wonderful stories of lives being #MadeNew by the power of Jesus Christ! If your church has recently celebrated baptisms, please pass along photos and stories so that we can rejoice with you! Keep on making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent P.S. Fairmount Camp is inviting you to “Old Time Camp Meeting” this Wednesday over Sunday, August 17-21. Services will be held each evening beginning at 6:00 p.m. Comments are closed.
January 2025