Sunday morning, July 30, Sherry and I had the privilege of worshiping with Pastor Aaron and Jennifer Lee at Cultivate Church in LaOtto. This congregation in LaOtto was one of the first churches planted in our conference back in 1843. Yesterday, Pastor Aaron's grandmother told me about the conversations she had with a granddaughter of one of the founding members. That lady remembered her grandfather's stories of hiding the former slaves in belfry at the church and in their basement. Their home had a trap door hidden in the floor under the kitchen table to access the secret compartment. LaOtto Cultivate is still a church on mission. Several members of the congregation arrived home at 3:00 a.m. from their short-term mission work with "Impacto" in Guatemala and still made it out for the worship service. I brought greetings from the district team and shared the message from God's Word. Pastor Lee closed the service with communion. Following the service, I appreciated the opportunity to connect with several members of the local board. Fairmount Camp concluded their annual Family Camp on Sunday evening after another successful week of ministry with Rev. Patty Bray and Rev. Nathan Metz as the evangelists. I was glad to be able to attend some of the evening rallies. Fairmount's Old Time Camp is just around the corner (August 16-20, 2023) with Rev. Gale Janofski serving as camp evangelist. Here's the link: More than 30 lay leaders and pastors, including me, from the Crossroads District attended the GROW Conference at Church of the Highlands last week (Tuesday over Thursday). Our leaders left inspired by Pastor Chris Hodges and Dr. John Maxwell. We came home with the clarifying question that every board can ask: "What one thing if it got better would make the biggest difference in our church?" (How would you answer that question?) We continue to hear encouraging reports from across the district about the ways that God is moving and changing lives. Pastor Scott McDermid and the team at Sheridan Six Points baptized another young man earlier this month with two more moving toward that decision. Praise God! While Pastor Mike Hewitt was leading a team from Muncie Rising Hope on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic, Janiel Caraballo, Rising Hope's church planting resident, baptized 8 at their summer camp. Exciting days ahead at Rising Hope! Pastor Jacob Gibson and the team at LifeSpring Church hosted their annual picnic and baptized 10 new believers yesterday afternoon! Rev. Zach Working and the team at Huntington Hope Rising also celebrated their annual church picnic and baptism yesterday with six new believers publicly professing faith in Christ! Congratulations to Rev. Andy and Leanza Riemersma (Westfield ONE Church) on the birth of their second child, Eminora Grace, born just last week. God is blessing Pastor Andy with a growing church and a growing family! Congratulations also to Rev. Randy and Carole Yaryan on their 40th wedding anniversary. Their children invited me to join in the surprise celebration that they hosted in the Winchester church fellowship hall on Saturday afternoon. God is on the move. Let’s keep making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent P.S. Please pray with us as our next generation of Wesleyan leaders gather in Cincinnati for Follow Conference this December. Seminars and workshops will be available for pastors and parents so please make every effort to attend! Sunday, July 23, I had the privilege of representing our district team and bringing the morning message at Monon Wesleyan Church. Rev. Dr. Bradford Snyder, though officially retired, has stepped up to lead this revitalization project. Pastor Brad and Peggy are not strangers to challenges in ministry having served in church planting projects in Alaska. The highlight of the service was the presentation of a baptism certificate to a teenage boy and his family. After the service, I chaired a brief meeting with the LBA and then joined folks from the church for lunch at the Monon Whistle Stop Restaurant and Railroad Museum. Sunday evening, Sherry and I joined hundreds who gathered at Fairmount Camp for the opening rally of Family Camp. Rev. Jeff Luedtke, chair of the board, and Rev. Rob Tippey, are doing a great job leading the camp forward. Rev. Patty Bray and Rev. Nathan Metz are the evangelists for this year’s camp. Rev. Dan Van Duyne, from LifeSpring Church, is leading the worship team. Rallies are held each evening at 6:30 and you’ll be blessed by attending! I had a great week connecting with pastors and other district leaders, but the real action is on the frontlines in our local churches. Listed below are updates from just the past few days: Rev. Sam Maddox, Jr. leads the team at Albion Wesleyan Church. Saturday, they hosted their first Block Party as their first “Next Level” outreach initiative. The team of 30 volunteers provided free food, games, prizes, and gave away over 100 backpacks with back to school supplies for neighborhood children. They also had the joy of celebrating six baptisms this weekend, with three on Saturday and three more on Sunday. Pastor Sam wrote that “God is good and on the move in Albion!” Pastor Dave and Suzanne Cox are officially retired from the marketplace but are ministering effectively at Laketon Wesleyan Church. Yesterday, the church gathered at the lake for a picnic fellowship and celebrated three baptisms. Pastor Dave also shared that some younger families have started attending Laketon Wesleyan in the past few weeks. Pastor David Leitzel and the team at Hamilton Wesleyan Church also hosted their church picnic yesterday and capped it off with 5 baptisms and two more affirmations of baptism. The most special of those was Pastor David’s own daughter who spent some years away from the Lord but has come back to faithfully follow Jesus! Praise God for lives being #MadeNew and for small town churches that are making a big difference! Here’s another idea from one of our pastors who is leading by example in going to “one more” place. Pastor Randy Yaryan coached T-ball this year. Yesterday, he welcomed and honored his team for what they called “Baseball Sunday” and they welcomed 15 visitors. He shared a message comparing baseball and the Christian life with the goal in both to make it “Home.” Where is the next place God may be calling you and your church to go? We have pastors with serious health concerns. Rev. Dan Clark (Colfax Wesleyan) updated us on his cancer surgery now scheduled for August 28. You can follow Pastor Dan on Facebook for additional information. I also spoke with and prayed for Rev. Dr. Joe Harmon (New Castle Memorial Wesleyan Church) by phone last week. He had been hospitalized with a critical heart condition. Join me in praying for Dr. Harmon as he is now home awaiting open heart surgery. Rev. Emily and Rev. David Hines would welcome your prayers for Simon, their baby boy, who has an upcoming heart surgery on August 8. You can join their prayer team and stay updated at this site And we would be grateful for your prayers as our granddaughter Eden undergoes heart surgery in Michigan on August 2. We are blessed to serve our God who hears and answers prayer. He is still the Great Physician! We would also invite your prayers this week for more than 30 leaders from churches in our Crossroads District who will be traveling to Birmingham (Tuesday-Thursday) to attend the GROW Conference at Church of the Highlands. Pray that God will bless this time of learning and fellowship! Let’s keep making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent P.S. Please pray with us as our next generation of Wesleyan leaders gather in Cincinnati for Follow Conference this December. Seminars and workshops will be available for pastors and parents so please make every effort to attend! Sunday, July 17, I had the privilege of ministering with Dr. Keith Loy, a long-time friend, at Celebrate Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Keith and I first served together at New Hope Church in Williston, North Dakota, back in 1998. It’s been a joy to see how God has blessed his life and ministry. Celebrate Church is one of the leading church-planting congregations in The Wesleyan Church with more than 20 daughter churches. Dr. Lyon and I were invited by Dr. Loy to help teach “Wesleyan Church History and Discipline” as part of their ministerial education program. Dr. Lyon taught in June and I taught on Saturday with 30 leaders in the room, including several prospective church planters. Camping ministries continued to make a difference for churches in our district last week. I dropped in at Fairmount Camp on Tuesday morning to thank several of our pastors and volunteers who were serving for Fairmount’s camp for children. Pastor John Hannan (Union City CrossRoads), Rev. Michelle Henry (Marion Brookhaven), and Rev. Carol Schenck (Noblesville Circle of Hope) were some of our pastors serving there and making a difference. Tuesday afternoon, several of our district pastors joined us for the funeral service for Rev. Mike Cloud, one of our district’s most respected leaders. Rev. Martin Furrow (Rochester The Cross) assisted in leading the service. Please continue to pray for Brenda and her family as they grieve their loss. Wednesday morning, I was in Indy for a coaching conversation with Rev. Benjamin Tuimuk who leads Shalom Church, the Chin (Burmese) congregation that worships at Southview Wesleyan Church. It was also good to catch up with Southview’s pastor, Rev. Nathan Richardson. I’m excited that Pastor Nathan will be joining us for the GROW conference. Wednesday evening, I was able to worship with our friends at the Family Camp hosted by Frankfort Camping Ministries. Phil and Rhonda Foley have done a marvelous job leading the turnaround at Frankfort Camp. Several of our pastors serve on this team. Notably, Rev. Allen Gross (Cicero United Family) provides leadership to the youth track for the camp. The camp evangelists were Rev. Dale Freed and Rev. Keith Hinton (one of our own retired ministers). That evening, I was pleased to connect with several Crossroads District friends including Rev. Ernest Batman (our retired district superintendent). One of the fun connections was with Martha Blackburn, Grace Chitty, and Mrs. Haines who taught together at Frankfort Pilgrim College in the late 1960s. I’m grateful for these women and their investment in students that still is bearing fruit today. Before I flew to South Dakota on Thursday, I met with Rev. Lyle Breeding (Sonlight Wesleyan Church) in Bluffton. It was encouraging to hear how God has been moving and bringing new families to the church this summer. Pastor Lyle has been recovering from one surgery and has another upcoming so please join us in praying for his recovery to full health and mobility. God is on the move during these summer months. Sunday, July 16, was the first worship gathering for Casa de Esperanza, the new Hispanic campus led by Rev. Claudia Ruiz and Rev. Joe Schmit. Church leaders from Casa de Alfarero, the main campus in Richmond, and from Casa de Oracion, in Union City, joined with the first contacts in Portland for a combined worship and prayer experience with nearly 60 people present. God is changing lives at Monon Wesleyan Church. Dr. Brad Snyder and the congregation celebrated 4 baptisms in the past month. This is a congregation that averaged 17 last year with no baptisms. Praise God for progress! Pastor Matthew Trexler and the team at The River Church in Marion reached out in a day of service to Gas City on Saturday. They closed out the day with an evangelistic service that included another baptism. Praise God for lives being #MadeNew! Dr. Joe Harmon has officially retired but continues to serve New Castle Memorial Wesleyan Church while they are in their pastoral search process. He was excited to report two more baptisms yesterday. Let’s rejoice with them and pray as they seek God’s best for their future. Fairmount Camp is excited about their upcoming Family Camp, July 23-30, featuring Dr. Patty Bray and Rev. Nathan Metz as camp evangelists. Plan to attend if possible and join in praying for God to continue to move in the hearts of His people! Thank you for making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent Please pray with us as our next generation of Wesleyan leaders gather in Cincinnati for Follow Conference this December. Seminars and workshops will be available for pastors and parents so please make every effort to attend! Sunday morning, July 9, I had the joy of welcoming East Liberty Church (just north of Decatur) as the newest congregation in our Crossroads District service. This former EUB congregation, originally founded in 1845, completed the disaffiliation process with the United Methodist Church and voted to join The Wesleyan Church. Our DBA approved their reception so I was present to bring the morning message and lead an organization meeting after the service. They do not have a pastor but Rev. Dennis Croy, an ordained Wesleyan minister in our district, has graciously agreed to preach for them this summer as they make plans for the remainder of the conference year. Please keep East Liberty Church in your prayers as they begin this new chapter in their 178-year history. Since the service at East Liberty began at 9, I had time to check in with Pastor Aldean Pablo and the team at ARISE Church in Roanoke. Pastor Aldean and Jessie Pablo are doing a great job leading this new ministry and reaching out to their community. After celebrating July 4th with family, I was back on the road Wednesday for coaching conversations. I met with Pastor Randy Yaryan for lunch in Winchester and met with Pastor Andy Cole (Lapel Daybreak) later that afternoon. Thursday, I was in Marion for our office staff meeting. We had a productive time debriefing on district conference and planning for next year’s conference (June 29 at Marion Lakeview). We were able to present Rev. Nicholas Reynolds with his new iPad, a door prize provided through the generosity of Marvin Miller, our Brotherhood Mutual agent. Congratulations, Pastor Nick! Our last stop on Thursday afternoon was in Elwood Central Wesleyan Church where we presented Rev. Jon Noggle with his certificate of ordination affirmation as he completed his transfer into The Wesleyan Church. We are delighted to have Pastor Jon and his family serving with us in the Crossroads District. Friday morning, Rev. Wayne and Dr. JoAnne Lyon welcomed me to their home. On behalf of our district, I was honored to present Dr. Lyon with her official retirement award (although she’s still on the fly) and to thank her for her ministry at our ordination service. Pastor Wayne closed our time together with a powerful prayer. He also introduced me to one of his newest hobbies, boxing. If you ever need someone to pray with you or for your church, you’ll be blessed if you reach out to Pastor Wayne! Saturday morning, I met with Pastor Phil Carder and the LBA at The Branch in Lafayette. They’ve just added Rev. Naomi (Umfleet) Small to their team and are making plans for growth this fall. From Lafayette, I drove on to Shunem House in Noblesville to check in with Pastor Mike Hewitt who was providing “relaunch” training for the team at Anderson Living Hope. My last stop on Saturday was at Daybreak Church in Lapel. Pastor Andy Cole and the team at Daybreak do a great job hosting events like this car show that was part of the community fair. If you look closely, you can find four ordained Wesleyan ministers in this photo (Rev. Dan Clark, Rev. Andy Cole, Rev. Richard Cole, and Rev. Joe Jackson). We love hearing reports of lives being changed by the Gospel so please pass along your praise reports and pictures. One of the best stories this week was Pastor Josh Bowlin (Marion Chapel Pike Wesleyan Church) baptizing his son in the very same baptism pool as he was baptized in many years ago! Pastor Michael Hewitt, Muncie Rising Hope, passed on the the good news that Cafe Con Dios, a part of the Rising Hope’s multi-site network, held two more baptism services (in Madrid and Chiclana, Spain) for a total of 35 new believers baptized in these new sites in four weeks! Please pray for the leaders and teams at Frankfort Family Camp and Fairmount Children’s Camp as they minister this week! Let’s keep making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent Sunday morning, July 2, I had the privilege of representing the Crossroads District at Silver Lake Wesleyan Church. In addition to sharing an update and preaching the sermon, it was my joy to honor Rev. Duane Seitz with a certificate and medallion in recognition of his 60 years of ordained ministry in The Wesleyan Church. Pastor Duane and JoEllen Seitz have been faithfully serving the Silver Lake congregation since 2016. We are grateful to God and appreciate their faithful and effective ministry for six decades. I was back on the road for coaching conversations this week. I had a great time in the South Bend region on Wednesday. My first stop was with Rev. Ed Friberg who is preparing to step into leadership at Shiloh Wesleyan Church this month. My next stop was with Rev. Greg Holmes, pastor of Sonlight Wesleyan Church in South Bend. Pastor Greg’s daughter lost her home to a fire last week so their family has been helping with the recovery process. Later that afternoon, I had coffee with Rev. Ben and Kristen Jones (North Liberty Beaver Creek Wesleyan). Ben was one of the 11 ministers ordained at district conference. My final stop of the day was at The Bridge Urban Church in Mishawaka. Pastor Terry and Lennaire Vaugh lead this exciting new church. They blessed four new neighborhood entrepreneurs with free equipment for starting a lawn care service. (Hunter, the youngest recipient, an 11-year-old boy, reported back on Thursday that he’d already earned his first $70.) Congratulations to the Sweetser Wesleyan Church Bible Bowl Quiz teams. They competed in the national competition held last week at Indiana Wesleyan University and came away with their three teams placing in the top 7 of all teams competing. If your church would like to learn more about the national Bible quizzing program sponsored by The Wesleyan Church, please contact Dr. Matthew Stewart, pastor at Sweetser Wesleyan Church. In case you missed conference, we’re praising God that professions of faith were up 35% (from 851 to 1148), and that we baptized 620 people last year (the highest number of baptisms since 2016). Praise the Lord that you also reported 156 people testifying to God’s call to the ministry. This is the highest number reported in more than a decade! We announced a special scholarship for PK’s (teenagers who have parents appointed to local church service) of $300 each from the Thrive Fund to help them attend this year’s FOLLOW Conference in Cincinnati (Dec. 28-30, 2023). We also announced an initiative from our Property Fund that will provide $50,000 in 5 challenge grants to match up to $10,000 for vital facility improvement projects in churches where the need is great. The church commits to raising 50% of the required funding. These grants will enable churches to better serve their community and to prevent costly repairs that might limit future ministry. The DBA welcomes competitive applications for these five grants. Frankfort Camp Ministries invites all to their annual Family Camp, July 9-16. Rev. Keith Hinton and Rev. Dale Freed are the featured speakers for this years camp. Services begin on Sunday evening at 6 p.m., and then at 7 p.m. through the week, concluding with the 4 p.m. closing rally on Sunday, July 16. That closing rally features a musical concert by Adam’s Voice. For more information, visit their website: Fairmount Camp Ministries also extends an invitation to all for their annual Family Camp, July 23-30. This years camp evangelists are Rev. Patty Bray and Rev. Nathan Metz. Camp begins at 10:30 on Sunday morning, July 23, with Rev. Jeff Luedtke, Chair of the Fairmount Camp Board preaching. Evening services continue at 6:30 through the week concluding with Rev. Nathan Metz preaching at the closing evening service on July 30. For more information, visit their website: We love sharing reports from our churches of lives being #MadeNew by the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Rev. Nicolas and Rev. Adriana Zarate, leaders of Rey de Gloria Iglesia Wesleyana, a campus of Circle of Hope, led by Dr. Rich and Rev. Carol Schenck, celebrated 7 more baptisms in June! Dr. Oliver Dongell has accepted a call to become the pastor of Brevard Wesleyan Church in North Carolina, but before leaving he concluded his 20-year ministry at Plymouth Wesleyan Church on a high note celebrating 5 more baptisms! The River Church in Marion continues to celebrate God’s moving. Nine more people stepped out in obedience to God’s Word last Sunday and publicly professed their faith in Christ! Cafe Con Dios, a campus of Muncie Rising Hope in Seville (Spain), celebrated 20 baptisms at the beach in June. Pastor Marcos and Banessa Cruz lead this campus. Rev. Mike Hewitt and a team of leaders will be back on site this fall to celebrate the first anniversary of this campus. (Please forward photos and notes from the baptism service that your church has this summer so we can celebrate with you.) Keep on making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent P.S. Please pray with us as our next generation of Wesleyan leaders gather in Cincinnati for Follow Conference this December. Seminars and workshops will be available for pastors and parents so make please every effort to attend! |
February 2025