Sunday morning, October 30, Rev. Gregory Holmes and the team at South Bend Sonlight Wesleyan Church welcomed me to bring greetings from our district and to share the morning message. Pastor Greg has been encouraged both by attendance growth (49 present yesterday compared to last year’s average of 34) and the increased financial stability of the church. Pastor Holmes recently started a Bible study on Monday evenings that has connected with younger men in the church and Sonlight’s ministry to children is also growing. Saturday evening, I was able to join Pastor Greg and his team for their Trunk or Treat event. They reached a number of new neighbors that night and had the foresight to have a follow-up event planned for two weeks from now to reconnect with these guests. Pastor Greg and I also connected later that evening for our annual coaching conversation. Sunday, after my time with Sonlight, I was able to drop in on Pastor Terry and Lennaire Vaughn at The Bridge Urban Church. God has been opening some exciting doors for expanded impact and we continue to pray for their disciple-making ministry. From South Bend, I traveled onward to Elkhart to connect with Pastor Jose Cardenas and the team at Cielos Abiertos Iglesia Wesleyana. Pastor Jose and his team were hosting a special outreach for children and their parents with more than 100 in attendance. I was blessed to be part of the special prayer time they offered for these families. On my way back to Upland, I made the loop back around to Fort Wayne to check in with Pastor Mike Henry and the team at Level 13 Church as they prepared to host a fellowship cookout at their pavilion. Pastor Mike shared some encouraging news about discipleship progress at Level 13. My final stop of the day was at ARISE Church in Roanoke. Pastor Aldean Pablo and his team were delighted by the overwhelming response from the community to this outreach event. The local school cooperated in passing along word about the event and the church family did a great job of welcoming approximately 300 of their neighbors. Sherry and I arrived home from our vacation on Tuesday evening and I was excited to get back to work on Wednesday. I met with our district office staff over lunch and then dropped in at The River Church in Marion that afternoon to check on their construction project. This project will completely remodel and expand their youth and children’s ministry spaces. Thursday, I joined Pastor Joe Jackson at Anderson United Wesleyan Church as their team hosted Rev. Zach Szmara of Immigrant Connection for a luncheon focused on better serving our marginalized neighbors. It was good to see several area pastors and Dr. JoAnne Lyon, General Superintendent Emerita, who took time out to join us. Later that afternoon, Rev. Andy Riemersma and I met for an update on the ministry doors that God is opening for ONE Church in Westfield. Friday morning, I met with Dr. Michael Brown about the unique ministry he is developing for Muslim converts. Rev. Marc Ulrich, planter/pastor at Merrillville ReThink Church, and I met for lunch and an update on their work in northwestern Indiana. He is working with IWU to create a residency opportunity for students who are open to exploring church planting. Friday evening, I enjoyed welcoming pastors and spouses from our district team. We were missing a few due to rescheduling and one cancellation due to illness, but we had a great time together and even convinced Pastor Downing to share his musical giftedness with us. We are rejoicing with reports of new believers obeying Christ’s command and publicly professing their faith through baptism. Two Sundays ago, Pastor Randy Yaryan and the team at Winchester Wesleyan Church celebrated two baptisms! Pastor Rick Fletcher and Associate Pastor Andy Jellison celebrated two more baptisms at Lifeway Church in Fort Wayne yesterday. That makes 5 baptisms in the past few weeks! Praise the Lord for lives being #MadeNew! Congratulations to Pastor Trevor and Allison O’Dell on the birth of Andrew, their second child, this past week. Reverend O’Dell pastors the Lancaster Wesleyan Church and Allison works as a registered nurse in Fort Wayne. Special thanks to Rev. Carla Working, Dr. Chris Williams, and Michael Wood for their effective service to our district team while Sherry and I were away for three weeks. Visiting Israel together for the first time was a meaningful experience for us. We prayed at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, enjoyed a sunset boat ride on Galilee, and dipped our toes in the muddy Jordan River. Our travels continued from Israel on to Ephesus and then back to Rome through the Greek Isles. We were able to extend our stay long enough to visit with Amanda Banter, our newest Crossroads District missionary, who is serving with Global Partners in the Czech Republic this year. (Yes, I did drive on the AutoBahn but I didn’t set any speed records.) This long-anticipated vacation was wonderful but we were glad to get home and back to work with our teammates here in Indiana. Thank you for your prayers! Keep on making difference in the only cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent The first half of this week’s team update is a guest post by Dr. Jim “Umfundisi” Lo, one of our Circuit Riders in the Crossroads District. CIRCUIT RIDER REPORT As a Crossroads District Circuit Rider, I have discovered the following regarding our District churches. Crossroads District Churches are… …Clinging to the promises of God COVID hit the overall population of churches hard. Many of the churches I have visited have shared how the pandemic has affected their attendance. However, I have not sensed a defeated attitude in any of these churches. They are clinging onto the promises of God, recognizing that He is still seated upon the Throne of Glory, even during challenging times. I like what Pastor Mike Hewitt shared with me, “We are not defeated because we are clinging onto the promises of God.” …Celebrating the goodness of God The style of worship in the churches I visit may differ from one to another, but the focus of worship is on God. From the singing of hymns at Tipton Ash Street, to the use of the traditional instruments of piano and organ at Indianapolis Central, to the blended worship style at Bluffton Sonlight, to singing songs in Spanish at Indianapolis Monte de Sion, to the more contemporary style at Richmond LifeSpring, I have been escorted each time to the Throne of God. I have left our District churches feeling connected with God in deep and meaningful ways. ...Contextualizing the message of God Many of our churches are effectively contextualizing the Gospel message to reach the communities where God has “planted” them. In my class, Ministry in Context, I tell my students that the Truth of God must always remain the same, but the way we share that Truth needs to be creative, as well as make sense to those we are attempting to reach. I shared with Dr. Mark Gorveatte after visiting LaOtto Cultivate, “I loved seeing the Truth being adhered to…and the willingness to be creative in the way that Truth is being shared. The LaOtto Cultivate congregation is willing to try new ways to reach those who are unchurched.” I can share that this is so true with many of our churches – Avon 317, Westfield One Church, Marion Brookhaven, and Muncie Rising Hope, just to list a few. …Calling on the help of God There seems to be a renewed passion for prayer. Many of the churches I have visited participated in the 21 days of prayer. My heart has been blessed seeing the number of churches represented at the monthly District Prayer Gatherings. Some of the churches have gone beyond just praying, to praying and fasting for revival. At Richmond Lifespring I was invited to be a part of the prayer time before worship services began. It was not a short period of prayer, but a ‘season’ of praying that took place. At Winchester Union Street, after the worship service the congregation went outside the four walls of the church building and spent time praying to God to help them have a greater impact in their community. Other churches have prayer teams praying through the sanctuary and classrooms before anything officially happens on Sunday morning, asking God to bless the discipleship hour and worship service. My heart seemed to soar to the “heavenlies” when Pastor Theo Griffin shared about how, through prayer, God provided for Brown’s Chapel in a miraculous way, Pastors have testified about how God has been touching hearts in their communities because of prayer. One of my favorite quotes is by Robert Coleman who wrote, “You can have revival without singing or even preaching… but never without prayer”. …Concerned about those who do not have a relationship with God From smaller size congregations to larger size congregations, there is a concern to reach those who do not have a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. One pastor shared how he has cried for the 3 million Hoosiers who do not yet know Christ. Many of our district churches are living out the words of John Wesley, “You have nothing to do but to save souls. Therefore spend and be spent in this work. And go not only to those that need you, but to those that need you most. It is not your business to preach so many times, and to take care of this or that society; but to save as many souls as you can; to bring as many sinners as you possibly can to repentance”. …Committed to communicating about the holiness of God A few weeks ago the conference, Celebration of Holiness, took place at College Wesleyan in Marion. That night I was doing a spiritual warfare seminar at Indianapolis Southview. Pastor Nathan Richardson, who had attended the conference, told me that the sessions caused him to be reenergized to keep preaching the message of heart purity. While I was visiting at Lafayette Evergreen, Pastor Joe Parks shared how he prays for children, youth and adults to respond to God’s message of holiness. CONCLUDING REMARKS Last Sunday I visited Muncie Rising Hope. When I got home I wrote these words of reflection: “I go hoping to be a blessing to the churches I am visiting...I leave being the one who has been blessed!” I am so thankful for the privilege of being able to serve, along with Dr. Dave Smith and Rev. Mark Atkinson, as one of the Crossroads District Circuit Riders. Rev. Dr. Jim “Umfundisi” Lo+ Dr Jon Kulaga’s Inauguration as IWU’s 10th President Assisting with the prayer and anointing of Dr. Kulaga and First Lady, Lena were former IWU presidents, Dr. Henry Smith and Dr. David Wright as Dr. Jim "Umfundisi" Lo, IWU Campus Intercessor, led the prayer and anointing. Fall Retired Minister's Gathering Calling all retired ministers and spouses! Make plans now to join us for the Fall Retired Minister's Gathering being held on Thursday, November 17, 2022 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at College Wesleyan Church (200 E 38th St, Marion, IN 46953). Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] or calling 765-674-8593. 2022 Crossroads Christmas Gatherings It's the most wonderful time of the year! All lead and assistant pastors (and their spouses) are invited to attend a Crossroads District Christmas gathering. There are 6 locations and dates from which to choose, and all gatherings will begin at 6:30pm. Please pick the one location that is most convenient for you. Dr. Mark Gorveatte and the district team are looking forward to this time of fellowship and celebration as we prepare to lead others through the Advent season. Dinner is provided. Please RSVP by November 12, 2022: GrowLeader Regional Conference 2023 We are pleased to announce that we have a limited number of tickets available for lead and solo pastors to attend the upcoming GrowLeader Regional Conference presented by Church of the Highlands in Indianapolis on March 7th, 2023. Any lead or solo pastor who registers one or more lay leaders for the conference will receive a free registration to attend as well. Due to the limited supply, only one free ticket will be provided for each lead or solo pastor, regardless of the number of tickets purchased for lay leaders. You may register your lay leaders at, and then submit the following form to claim your free ticket: The first half of this week’s team update is a guest post by Dr. Dave Smith, one of our Circuit Riders in the Crossroads District. You will also find a number of upcoming events following Dr. Smith's report. CIRCUIT RIDER REPORT In the past several years, my ladder has been moving. It used to lean, with immense personal joy, against the Ivory Tower of Indiana Wesleyan. But progressively and intentionally, it has now come to rest leaning upon the local Church steeples of the Crossroads District. It is my delight to serve alongside Dr. Jim Lo and Rev. Mark Atkinson as Circuit Riders. Our DS, Dr. Mark Gorveatte has given us a wonderfully generic job description which we can tweak based upon our individual giftings. Simply, we come alongside pastors and churches in the Crossroads district, providing encouragement, wisdom, and “close any gap” that might be felt between the church and the district. Our overarching purpose is to serve the local church. My first “Church visit” was with Dr. Mark Rennaker at Southdowns Church (Kokomo; June 2021) and this last Sunday, Angie and I visited with Zack and Carla Working at Huntington Hope^Rising. Between those two visits, I have been blessed to be in 20+ local congregations with amazing men and women who love the Lord and His Church! Every visit is different. It begins with an initial contact from the District Office (usually the multi-talented Carla Working). Next, several weeks before I come to visit, I’ll connect with the Pastor making sure that we are both on the same page about the Sunday visit. I LOVE TO PREACH. So, if you would like that to happen, I’m all in. “Sundays off” are often few and far between for pastors. If I can serve you in that way, let’s plan for it. Following the service, I enjoy a quick stand-up meeting with the LBA. Five to seven minutes is all it will be. But I sincerely want to connect names and faces with local churches. Plus, for folks who have been long-term members of the church, it provides me with a snapshot of the church’s history in the community. This is a gift beyond measure. Then, one of the “perks” of the job is that the Crossroads District covers the cost of me taking the pastor’s family to dinner. Jesus’ most profound teaching of grace was often spoken across the table during a meal. I love to replicate His habit of spiritual hospitality. Finally, this meeting often establishes new or deeper relationships which may then manifest themselves in future phone calls or visits to discuss ministry or personal matters. In a nutshell, we as modern Circuit Riders do not ride-in-and-ride-out on a Sunday. We ride in (a car) and stay connected in a way that assists pastors and churches to flourish as best we can. Pastors and lay leaders, if you will let us serve you, Rev. Atkinson, Dr. Lo and myself will count it a huge privilege. One closing thought. Each of your three Circuit Riders have a unique calling and gifting to help the local church in additional ways.
In Jesus’ joy, Dr. Dave Smith Fall Retired Minister's Gathering Calling all retired ministers and spouses! Make plans now to join us for the Fall Retired Minister's Gathering being held on Thursday, November 17, 2022 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at College Wesleyan Church (200 E 38th St, Marion, IN 46953). Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] or calling 765-674-8593. 2022 Crossroads Christmas Gatherings It's the most wonderful time of the year! All lead and assistant pastors (and their spouses) are invited to attend a Crossroads District Christmas gathering. There are 6 locations and dates from which to choose, and all gatherings will begin at 6:30pm. Please pick the one location that is most convenient for you. Dr. Mark Gorveatte and the district team are looking forward to this time of fellowship and celebration as we prepare to lead others through the Advent season. Dinner is provided. Please RSVP by November 12, 2022: Upcoming Luncheon on October 27 with Rev. Zach Szmara Pastors and Ministry Leaders, please make plans to join us on October 27th and enjoy a free lunch while discussing with other faith leaders and pastors ways you can serve and bless those who are marginalized in the Heartland and in America, including low-income families, workers and immigrants. Discover helpful resources and tools, and celebrate transforming presence stories shared by Pastor Zach Szmara, Immigrant Connection executive director and Suzy Roth, Hands of Hope executive director, as well as policy updates and action steps provided by Steven Eng, National Association of Evangelicals advocacy director. The event will be held at United Wesleyan Church, 2233 S. Central Way, Anderson, IN, and includes time for networking, table conversations, questions, and prayer. The event runs from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. with doors opening at 11:00 a.m. Reservations, appreciated by October 21, can be submitted at: GrowLeader Regional Conference 2023 We are pleased to announce that we have a limited number of tickets available for lead and solo pastors to attend the upcoming GrowLeader Regional Conference presented by Church of the Highlands in Indianapolis on March 7th, 2023. Any lead or solo pastor who registers one or more lay leaders for the conference will receive a free registration to attend as well. Due to the limited supply, only one free ticket will be provided for each lead or solo pastor, regardless of the number of tickets purchased for lay leaders. You may register your lay leaders at, and then submit the following form to claim your free ticket: Funeral Arrangements for Nancy A. Wilson Our prayers and sympathies are extended to the family and friends of Mrs. Nancy Ann Wilson who went to be with the Lord on Thursday, October 13, 2022. Her husband, Rev. Dr. Norman G. Wilson, is a retired minister in the Crossroads District. Nancy taught for over 20 years, notably at Lakeview Christian School in Marion, Indiana, and Heritage Christian School in Indianapolis. Visitation will be Thursday, October 20, 2022 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Needham-Storey-Wampner Funeral Service, Storey Chapel, 400 E. Main St., Gas City, IN. The funeral service will follow at 2:00 pm with Rev. Dr. Coleen Derr officiating. Burial will take place at Grant Memorial Park in Marion. Please remember Dr. Wilson and the family in your prayers. This week’s team update is a guest post by Rev. Mark Atkinson, one of our Circuit Riders in the Crossroads District. CIRCUIT RIDER REPORT I grew up riding horses and enjoying them. For the Crossroads District this year, I am called a Circuit Rider, how appropriate! My responsibility is to encourage you, the church to love the community to Jesus. God’s Church is a powerful, unstoppable force and there is a GREAT AWAKENING happening in Indiana! Some are calling it a revival!
God is opening new doors to reach the 3 million more individuals in the Crossroads District to Jesus. God is on the move! Hallelujah for transformed lives and transformed communities! Churches I have connected with so far:
Things I pay attention to:
What I have experienced:
I am enjoying taking the actions of these churches and putting together a practical workshop on Loving Your Community To JESUS! Yes, I believe with all my heart that there is a “Great Awakening” happening. It is much more personal than statistics. Hallelujah! Heavenly Father, please increase our faith as we fan into flame the gifts YOU have given us to love our communities and lead them to Jesus! Please! Grandpa again! Oh yes, I failed to mention that I became a grandfather again. Theodore Rex Atkinson (T-Rex) has been quite a blessing! For each church that was so kind to the grandchildren Ronda and I brought with us, I say, THANK YOU! May the Lord continue to use you in this great awakening! Rev. Mark Atkinson District Circuit Rider Upcoming Luncheon on October 27 with Rev. Zach Szmara -
Honoring our marginalized neighbors: Pastors and Ministry Leaders, enjoy a free lunch while discussing with other pastors and lay leaders ways you can serve and bless those who are marginalized in the Heartland and America, including low-income families, workers and immigrants. Discover helpful resources and tools, and celebrate transforming presence stories shared by Immigrant Connection Executive Director Pastor Zach Szmara and Hands of Hope Executive Director Suzy Roth, as well as policy updates provided by National Association of Evangelicals Advocacy Director Steven Eng. The 11:30 am - 1 pm event on October 27 at United Wesleyan Church, 2233 S. Central Way, Anderson, IN, includes time for networking, table conversations, questions, and prayer. Doors open at 11. Pastor Scott McDermid and the team at Sheridan Six Points Wesleyan Church had a wonderful weekend of ministry as they celebrated the 140th anniversary of the planting of this ministry. I brought greetings from our Crossroads District in the Sunday morning service. The auditorium was packed for the morning worship service and fellowship dinner. Pastor Steve and Sarah Martin, who served the church for more than 17 years, were special guests for the weekend. The events on Saturday welcomed more than 340 people to the Six Points campus. Their theme was “Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future.” Great days are ahead for Six Points Church as they keep on “pointing people to Jesus!” Pastor Seth Bye and the team at 317Church hosted their official public launch on Sunday morning with 20 first-time guests! Assistant DS Carla Working was able to attend on behalf of the Crossroads District to celebrate this special occasion. We’re praying for Pastor Seth and his team as they make disciples in Hendricks County! Pastor Theo and Randy Griffin and Assistant Pastor Ben Wade and their leadership team welcomed our monthly Crossroads District Prayer Gathering to Brown’s Chapel Wesleyan Church in Greenfield on Sunday evening. Thank you to Rev. Neftali Lopez, Rev. Carol Schenck, and Rev. Craig Thurmon for joining with Rev. Griffin in leading our prayer service. Our next monthly prayer gathering is scheduled for November 13, 6:00 pm, at Plymouth Wesleyan Church. Praying together is a blessing! Last week included coaching conversations, our office staff meeting, and a chaplain candidate interview, and concluded with the highlight of our Celebration of Holiness on Friday. This inaugural event was co-hosted by College Wesleyan Church and Wesley Seminary joined in as sponsoring partner. We had registered attendees from several states and several denominations. Our speakers did a great job and there was a wonderful sense of God’s presence as we focused our attention on the promise of holy living in the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you to our presenters, Dr. Steve DeNeff, Dr. Chris Williams, Dr. Jim Lo, Dr. Jonathan Morgan, Rev. Carla Working, and Dr. Chris Bounds. We were also blessed to be led in worship by Rev. Jordan Rife and Dr. Daniel Rife. On Saturday, Rev. Carla Working and I taught the first session of our Wesleyan Church History and Discipline course for nine students, including ministers in process of denominational transfer. Rev. Grace Lopez works with Rev. Johanna Rugh, Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development, to coordinate FLAMA classes for Hispanic students in Indiana. This weekend, she hosted 17 students for a course on church history taught by our own Dr. Norm Wilson. We’re excited about what God is doing among our Spanish-language congregations and leaders! We’re always delighted to share stories of baptisms from our district churches. This photo was taken yesterday morning at The River Church in Marion as Youth Pastor Sam Kauerauf baptized another of their students. Praise God for lives being #MadeNew! I’m grateful to report that World Hope is partnering with local Wesleyan churches to provide disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Ian. Dr. JoAnne Lyon confirms that World Hope is “on the ground in Ft Myers (FL) – Villas Wesleyan Church Gym – staging area – site Director and 6 volunteers – desalinating and purifying water and making further assessments of needs.” Visit World Hope’s website: Sherry and I will be traveling out of the country for the next three weeks. In addition to our long-anticipated vacation in celebration of Sherry’s graduation, we are also planning to visit one of our district missionaries serving with Global Partners. You are in great hands in my absence. Dr. Chris Williams, Assistant DS, is on call as chair of the District Board of Administration and Rev. Carla Williams, Assistant DS, will be handling administration. Don’t miss the next three weekly team updates when you’ll have the opportunity to hear from our Circuit Riders, Rev. Mark Atkinson, Dr. Jim Lo, and Dr. David Smith! Thank you for all you do to advance the Kingdom! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent It’s the most wonderful time of the year! All lead and assistant pastors (and their spouses) are invited to attend a Crossroads District Christmas gathering. There are 6 locations and dates from which to choose. All gatherings will be at 6:30pm. Please pick the one location that is most convenient for you. Dr. Mark Gorveatte and the district team are looking forward to this time of fellowship and celebration as we prepare to lead others through the Advent season. Dinner is provided. Please RSVP by November 12, 2022.
Dates & Locations: November 28 @ Waterline Church in Fishers November 29 @ Plymouth Wesleyan in Plymouth December 1 @ College Wesleyan in Marion December 5 @ Lifeway Wesleyan in Fort Wayne December 6 @ LifeSpring Church in Richmond December 8 @ Frankfort Camp in Frankfort |
February 2025