Sunday, October 1, Sherry and I worshiped at Back Creek Wesleyan Church (just south of Fairmount on Hwy 9) with Rev. Ben and Helen Parker. Back Creek, another of our historic churches, has been meeting in this current location and building since 1904. Pastor Ben and his team create a warm family atmosphere in this multigenerational congregation. It was good to be with them as the Board honored both Ben and Helen for Pastor Appreciation Month. They’re excited about their upcoming revival services with Dr. Joe Harmon, Ben and Helen’s former pastor and mentor at Eastview Wesleyan in Gas City. Services will be held from Thursday, October 19 (7 p.m.) through Sunday morning. Sherry and I had the privilege of ministering in Mozambique last week through an invitation from the faculty of Xai Xai Bible College. The Crossroads District has a deeply rooted partnership with Wesleyan Global Partners and it was encouraging to see how God is moving in this new field. On Saturday, I was invited to address the National Board on the topic of leadership and multiplication. On Sunday, I brought the commencement address for this year’s graduating class at Xai Xai on Sunday. Then, on Monday, I led the “Lead Like Wesley” seminar for 90 national church leaders. It was a new experience preaching and teaching through double translation but such an incredible and humbling experience to serve these leaders who are doing such amazing work in difficult circumstances. While at Xai Xai, it was good to connect with Lenville Gross, vice chair from our New Castle Memorial Wesleyan Church, who was honored for his ongoing support of the college, including significant help in the actual construction of the college facilites. Lenville’s daughter Rachel lives in Mozambique and teaches at the college. I was back on the road here in the district on Friday for a morning meeting in Marion with Pastor Matthew Trexler, our Assistant DS for Region 1. Pastor Matthew was encouraged by the positive response to their new Sunday evening service (identical to their two morning services) with 160 in attendance. On Friday afternoon, I was in Fishers to meet Dr. Wayne Schmidt, our General Superintendent. Saturday morning, I dropped in on the Elevate seminar that College Wesleyan Church offers to deepen the engagement of their young adults (college and careers). Dr. Steve DeNeff shared a compelling presentation on the difference the local church can make in the world. If you’d like to learn more about this initiative, Ethan Linder is the point person for that ministry and this monthly gathering. Pastor Marc and Heather Ulrich value your prayers as they continue to lead the church planting project in Merrillville. They welcomed 52 for worship this past Saturday evening, 14 of whom are children. One of the ways you can help is if you have unchurched friends or relatives in the Merrillville area and you’d be willing to pass on their information to Pastor Marc via FaceBook messenger. Your prayers are also requested for Pastor Brad LeRoy (Harvest Church) and Pastor Michael Hewitt (Muncie church plant), both recovering from recent surgeries, and for Rev. Lloyd Moore who continues to battle health complications as he waits for a liver transplant. I’m looking forward to connecting with our pastoral team this week in the three regional meetings we are hosting. Region 1 (I-69 corridor) is led by Pastor Matthew Trexler and meets on Monday morning (9:00) at The River in Marion, Region 2 (greater Indy) is led by Pastor Mike Colaw and meets on Tuesday afternoon (1:30) at Trinity Wesleyan on Allisonville Road in Fishers, and Region 3 (I-65 corridor) is led by Rev. Chris Williams and will meet at The Cross in Rochester on Wednesday afternoon (1:30). Just a reminder for youth workers about the gathering of our Crossroads District Youth Leaders on Wednesday, October 11, at Buffalo Wild Wings in Marion (11:30 – 1:30). You can find more information on the “Crossroads District Youth Leaders” FaceBook page. It’s a joy to serve with you in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent 10/2/2017 01:58:30 pm
I heard you did awesome on this trip sharing from Lead Like Wesley (even with DOUBLE translation which is a huge challenge). Comments are closed.
February 2025