Sunday, September 15, was historic for the Crossroads District. Pastor John & Heather Miller are planting Way City Church in Speedway and today was their launching service. I was privileged to represent our district team for this special occasion. This marks the first time, according to our records, that The Wesleyan Church has had a congregation in the city of Speedway. Pray that God will bless the Millers and nearly 80 others who joined us today. Pray God makes Way City Church a transforming presence in this new zip code. Meanwhile, Rev. Chris Williams, our Assistant District Superintendent, represented our district at the “Grand Opening” at Rising Hope Church in Muncie. Pastor Mike and Kim Hewitt launched last September in a middle school and spent the year developing their young congregation and renovating the old Northview Wesleyan Church building. Today, they welcomed more than 200 people for the first time in their new home. Pray that God will continue to bless Muncie’s newest church. We’re joining the team at Memorial Drive Wesleyan Church in praising God for baptisms today. Pastor Lee Miller shared this picture from today’s baptism celebration held in Buck Creek. Lee told me that there are wonderful stories of grace here in this picture. Pastor Matthew Trexler and the team at The River Church celebrated baptisms today on both campuses, Marion and Chesterton. Pastor Trexler baptized 10 in Marion and Pastor Kaleb Wakeman baptized 5 in Chesterton. Praise God for lives being made new! And here’s one more exciting report from Pastor Tim Becker at Main Street Wesleyan Church in Elwood. They gathered on Sunday evening and celebrated 7 baptisms. God is on the move across the cornfields of Indiana! Pastor Scott McDermid and the team at Six Points Church in Sheridan hosted their Tailgate Sunday. They welcomed 385 people for this outdoor worship experience with former Indianapolis Colt Hunter Smith as their guest speaker. Hats off to Six Points for this creative outreach event! Last week’s schedule for me included two of the chapel services at IWU’s Summit (Spiritual Emphasis Week), staff meeting, annual coaching conversation with Dan Fisher (Delphi Wesleyan) and Aaron Lee (Cultivate Church), interviews with prospective pastors, and a World Hope update evening with Dr. JoAnne Lyon. On Friday, I hosted a creative planning session with Scott Rhyno and Damian Williams, both of whom are on staff with Leadership League. We are working with Leadership League to design a life-planning experience (Kingdom Leadership Summit) for pastors and marketplace leaders who desire clarity and intensity as they bring their unique contributions to God’s Kingdom force. If you’d like to be considered for participation in this pilot project, drop me a note. My last meeting of the week (after the IWU football game) was to join with Pastor Mike and Kim Hewitt with their wonderful team of volunteers on Saturday evening as they prayed for God’s blessing on their Grand Opening. It was a full and fulfilling week of ministry with our Crossroads District leaders. Our sympathies and prayers are extended to the family and many friends of Rev. Lloyd Moore, beloved pastor, counselor, and FLAME instructor. Pastor Moore passed away on Saturday morning after a long but valiant battle with cancer. Please keep Rhonda, his wife, and Scott, his son who pastors at First Wesleyan Church in Tuscaloosa (AL), in your prayers. Funeral arrangements will be emailed to our district pastors. October 5 is also the date for our stewardship seminar with Dr. Bob Hallett. The event will be hosted at Eastview Wesleyan Church (9-3 pm) in Gas City. All pastors have received their registration information directly. Lay leaders are invited to join their pastors for this helpful event. If your church could use additional financial resources to pursue God’s vision, encourage your pastor to attend and join them for this seminar. Tickets are free but you do need to sign up in advance. Here’s the link for registration: Resourcing God’s Vision Registrations opened last week for the first Heartland Region Gathering. 45 registrations were received by noon on the first day so don’t delay in saving your place. We have a great lineup of speakers and a wonderful site for you and your family to be inspired and refreshed. If you are a lay leader, consider this as a Pastor Appreciation gift next month! Keep on making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent
Dan Heylmann
9/16/2019 10:56:47 am
On 8/9 Grant City hosted 2 national recording acts where a minimum of 14 came to Christ. People came from as far as Ontario Canada. Comments are closed.
February 2025