Exponential 2024 was an outstanding conference. Dr. Wayne Schmidt, General Superintendent, kicked off the week in Orlando by welcoming the district superintendents on Monday for a pre-conference connection. It was encouraging to hear how God is on the move across our denominational family. We closed our time together in prayer for our GS and our district leaders, including the health concerns of Rev. Aaron Sherman, superintendent of the Kentucky-Tennessee District. Tuesday morning, more than 500 Wesleyan leaders gathered for a pre-conference event under the theme Saturate. Dr. Schmidt cast vision for disciple-making and church multiplication. Dr. Ed Love and the team from Church Multiplication and Discipleship did a great job hosting this event and spotlighting the many ways that churches are rising to the challenge of Acts 1:8! The full Exponential Conference kicked off Tuesday afternoon and concluded on Thursday. This year’s line-up of keynote speakers and workshops kept the focus on disciple-making. Presenters from across America and around the globe shared anointed messages. If you’ve not been to Exponential, let me encourage you to make plans to join us for the 25th anniversary event next March in Orlando. The Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy Conference was also held last week in Dallas, Texas on March 7-9. Rev. Carla Working led a great group from the Crossroads District that joined almost one hundred Wesleyan women clergy and ministerial students among the nearly 800 registered attenders at this year’s event. We celebrate God’s calling and empowering of women as prophesied by Joel (Joel 2:28-29) and pronounced by the Apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:17). Congratulations to Rev. Laura and Micah Walls on last week’s arrival of Milo James, their second son! Pastor Laura plays a key role on the pastoral team at Waterline Church. Milo’s grandparents on his mother’s side are Rev. Clifton and Arletta Ashlock. May God continue to bless the faith legacy of this ministry family! Sherry and I were able to spend time with members of our family in Grand Rapids, Michigan this weekend celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. When three little granddaughters under the age of three are at the party, you all end up sitting on the floor. Thank you to so many friends across the district who reached out to extend congratulations. We are grateful for God’s faithfulness over the past 40 years and excited for what He has in store for the future! Calling all Crossroads District high school students! Don’t miss Fusion 2024! An amazing event at a great price, and did we mention Crowder? Registration is now open at: www.indwes.edu/youthministry/fusion We’re counting down to The Heartland Gathering, and the full schedule has been posted on the conference website. Your family registration includes 3 nights lodging at The Ramsey Hotel, a hot breakfast buffet for your family members each morning, and all conference sessions, including nursery and full programming for children. We look forward to seeing as many of our pastoral families as possible April 2-5 in Pigeon Forge! On April 11-13, 2024, College Wesleyan Church will host the first-ever Marketplace Multipliers Conference. The goal of this conference is to inspire and empower professionals to effectively live out their faith in the workplace. You will hear from clergy and laity alike—practitioners on the front lines of this movement, and those in the trenches. You can learn more about the conference and register for the event at this website: https://collegewes.com/multipliersconference Join us for the OCHLOS Conference, April 13-14, 2024 at Southview Wesleyan Church in Indianapolis. Speakers include Santes Beatty, Director of Next Gen for The Wesleyan Church; Yamil Acevedo, Executive Vice President of Wesley Seminary; Zachary Szmara, Executive Director of Immigrant Connection and Pastor of the Bridge Church in Logansport; and Meg Puello, Executive Director of ASPYRE Inc. Click Here for more information and registration. Save the date! Our 2024 Crossroads District Conference will be held on Saturday, June 29th at Lakeview Wesleyan Church in Marion. This annual gathering is a wonderful time of celebration, inspiration, and Kingdom connection across our district family. Mark your calendars now and make plans to join us! Keep on making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent Comments are closed.
February 2025