Sunday morning, March 12, Sherry and I worshipped with Dr. Dale Wheeler and the growing congregation at Muncie Memorial Avenue Wesleyan Church. Dr. and Mrs. Wheeler are providing exceptional leadership, not just to the church family but to their own grandchildren who are part of the congregation. It was a joy to see Dr. Wheeler serving on the same worship team with two of his grandchildren. I was reminded again of Psalm 145:4 “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” (NIV) Last week’s highlights included meeting with Pastor Rob Tippey (Fort Wayne Zone leader and pastor of Level 13 Church) to connect with prospective church planters. We were honored to welcome Rev. Roilyn and Dylana Angulo for an exploratory visit. Pray for the Fort Wayne Zone pastors as they meet with the Angulo family this Friday to consider the next step toward launching a new Hispanic ministry in this zone. Through the day on Wednesday and Friday, I participated with 20 other leaders from across our denomination in a “Strategic Dialogue” hosted by Dr. Wayne Schmidt, our General Superintendent. Dr. Schmidt invited these leaders to dialogue with him about ways The Wesleyan Church might be reimagined to better release and empower our catalytic multiplication leaders to unleash the apostolic impulse that marked the Wesleyan revival. No one believes that structure can intentionally create a movement, but we have seen structure unintentionally constrain a movement. Dr. Schmidt is making this a matter of focused prayer and welcomes your partnership in seeking God’s direction. Wednesday evening, I met with the Finance Team from Sheridan Six Points as they look at creative solutions for funding their ministry and implementing the prescriptions from the Maximizing Impact consultation. I taught the Congregational Leadership class at Wesley Seminary during the day on Thursday. On Thursday evening, I joined the LBA (Local Board of Administration) at Sims Wesleyan Church for the 4-year review of Rev. Brian Williams extended call. The board unanimously affirmed Pastor Brian’s extended call with expressions of appreciation for his pastoral care and preaching ministry. The church has also completed interior remodeling and recently added a new sign. After the Friday session of the Strategic Dialogue at HQ, I joined Randall Hudson, our Crossroads District Director for SAM (Senior Adult Ministries), for their spring banquet at Sheridan Six Points Church. I brought greetings from our district team and expressed our appreciation for the impact of their faithful service in our churches across the decades. There was a great turnout, a delicious meal and delightful entertainment for the evening. Randall announced the 2017 fall tour for SAM. This year’s bus excursion will travel to Branson, MO, October 2-6. The tour will include the musical “Moses” (produced by Sights and Sounds) and a day at Silver Dollar City. And we’re pleased to announce that Dr. Charlie Harris returns to drive again this year! Seats are going fast. For more information, you can call Randall Hudson: 765-675-9045. The prayers and sympathies of our district family are extended to Rev. Chris Williams, on the passing of his grandmother. Chris preached the message at her funeral on Saturday. Also on Saturday, the family of Mrs. Roberta MacCallum (mother of Chuck MacCallum, grandmother of Teresa Batman and Chad MacCallum) gathered for her memorial service in Kansas. Both of these godly women have made significant impact on the Kingdom and have a legacy of faith that extends to multiple generations. I received an exciting report last week from Pastor Jerry Alexander at Anderson Central Wesleyan. For the second year now, they’ve hosted the awards program for their basketball outreach on Sunday morning. Last year there were more than 150. This year there were 217 in attendance with many first-time guests. I’m pleases to report that Rev. Clifton Ashlock (Anderson Memorial Circle) and Rev. Don Bayne (New Carlisle) both received unanimous pastoral votes to continue their service for 4 more years. Our district is blessed with many faithful and effective long-term pastoral appointments as exemplified by these two leaders. This coming Sunday, I’ll be in Fort Wayne with Pastor Rob Tippey to celebrate Level 13 Church’s 10th Anniversary. Mark your calendars for: FUSION Youth Rally at Indiana Wesleyan University (April 7-8) Kids Ministry Huddle in Marion with Phil Vischer, VeggieTales creator (April 22) Crossroads District Retired Pastors and Spouses Fellowship (May 9) Festival on Preaching at College Wesleyan Church (May 22-23) And, there are still a few $500 scholarships remaining for Crossroads District pastors to attend the Exponential Conference in Orlando (April 24-28). It’s a joy to serve with you in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent
3/13/2017 02:59:45 pm
I'm registered through HQ for Exponential but need to pay my own airfare, car and meals. Put me down for a $500 scholarship unless you already have! Peace!
Marita k Smith
3/13/2017 05:21:04 pm
Thank you for everything you do and for sharing it with us! Comments are closed.
February 2025