Sunday morning, May 19, I joined Rev. Jacob Gibson and the team at LifeSpring Church for their annual church conference combined with a morning worship experience. LifeSpring has a main campus on Hwy 27 and another campus in downtown Richmond. For this special occasion they brought all the services together for one celebration rally. They shared communion, elected officers, and celebrated victories from the past year including 131 professions of faith and 58 baptisms! Pastor Gibson emphasized the impact of their increased prayer focus and cast vision for the coming year. LifeSpring is the oldest Wesleyan church in our state (planted in 1843 by abolitionist Daniel Worth) and still continues to thrive in this new season of ministry. Sunday afternoon, I worshiped at Casa de Alfarero, our Hispanic congregation in Richmond led by Rev. Claudia Ruiz. Pastor Ruiz was preaching at the new campus in Portland but I was blessed by the encouraging message from Assistant Pastor Carlos Cruz. Both Carlos and Yesie (his wife) are in the Spanish-language ministerial student program moving to ordination. Today is the last day for pastors to submit their Local Church Statistical Report (LCSR) and yesterday evening I was able to drop in on two of our churches that were holding the annual church conference. Dr. Chris Williams and the team at Lakeview Wesleyan Church met at 6 p.m. and it was exciting to see the reports of all that God has done this past year. Attendance was up 7% and baptisms were up over 60%! Dr. Sherry Gorveatte serves as Treasurer on the LBA at The River Church in Marion and I continued on to join her there for the annual conference. Pastor Matthew Trexler and his team made significant strides again this year with 345 professions of faith and 127 baptisms. They are seeking God’s wisdom to accommodate their exploding children’s ministry which is now averaging over 300 per week with a high of 543 on Easter! Last Monday, I was in Marion for a district staff meeting. Michael Wood, District Administrator, and I welcomed Darah Martin for a time of planning. Darah has joined Dr. Chris Williams’ team at Lakeview and we’ve contracted with Lakeview for Darah to provide additional assistance to Michael so we can better serve you. You will enjoy meeting her at our district conference. Monday evening, I sat in with Dr. Matthew Stewart and the LBA at Sweetser Wesleyan Church. Dr. Stewart will complete his ministry there at the end of June. Following the regular business items, I spent time with the team looking forward in their pastoral search process. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Dr. Aaron Perry convened a group of scholars, pastors, and administrators from across our denomination for a conversation (TheoCon) on the topic of theological anthropology. Pastor Mike Colaw and his team at Indianapolis Trinity graciously hosted the gathering and led in our times of worship. It was great to reconnect with so many colleagues including Dr. Mike Tapper. Some of you will know that Dr. Tapper is moving to Marion this summer to join the faculty at Indiana Wesleyan University. Mike has a great heart for the local church and I am confident you will enjoy getting to know him in the years ahead. My favorite presentation of TheoCon was from Dr. David Smith, author of True North and a circuit rider for our district. Stay tuned for the next meeting. Coaching conversations last week included Rev. Lilly Kurker (Carmel Amistad) on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Zach Szmara (The Bridge in Logansport) on Thursday morning, Rev. Dan Fisher (Delphi Wesleyan) on Thursday afternoon, Rev. Marc Ulrich (Merrillville ReThink Church) on Saturday morning, and Rev. Jere Gowin (Kingsford Heights) on Saturday afternoon. My last coaching conversation of the week was with Jose Cardenas, our lay supply pastor who leads Cielos Abiertos in Elkhart. Once again, I was blessed by the many wonderful stories this past week of God’s faithfulness and the progress of His Kingdom! It is so fun sharing the reports of changed lives and this week I was excited to hear from Rev. Randy Yaryan at Winchester Wesleyan Church. Pastor Randy has been involved in the tornado relief efforts there in Winchester while continuing to preach the Gospel as a bi-vocational pastor. Sunday morning, he had the joy of baptizing six people who publicly professed their faith in Christ. That is the most on any one Sunday since Rev. Yaryan began serving the church back in 1997. Praise the Lord! Pastor Andy Jellison and the team at Lifeway Church in Fort Wayne continue to see God working in powerful ways. After baptizing a record of 14 on Easter Sunday, Pastor Andy had the privilege of baptizing four more new believers yesterday. Praise God for lives #MadeNew! Speaking of celebrations, Sherry and I had the privilege of attending the wedding of Anika Williams (daughter of Dr. Chris & Marietta Williams) and Tucker Campbell (son of Rev. Darren and Nancy Campbell). The ceremony was a beautiful testimony to God’s design for marriage and His divine intention for us to be the Bride of Christ. Congratulations to the happy couple and to their appropriately proud parents! Please keep Rev. Dennis Croy in your prayers as he prepares for a bone marrow transplant this week in Indianapolis. Pastor Dennis and Barb are grateful for your prayers and the loving support of the East Liberty Church congregation in this journey to regaining health. Fairmount Camp is ramping up for another full season of ministry. For more information or to register for one of the many events, visit the camp’s website: We can’t wait to see all of our ministers and lay delegates gathering for the Crossroads District Conference on June 29 at Lakeview Wesleyan Church in Marion. We are “CALLED!” Thank you for making a difference in the cause that counts for eternity! Your servant in Christ, Mark Gorveatte Crossroads District Superintendent Comments are closed.
January 2025