This week’s team update is a guest post by Rev. Carla Working, DBMD Chair and Director of Clergy Care and Development. What an honor it is to serve The Wesleyan Church! As many of you know, I am blessed with the opportunity to serve you in multiple ways within TWC. I serve as the Director of Clergy Care and Development at headquarters, and I also have the amazing opportunity to continue to serve the Crossroads District as the Chair of the District Board of Ministerial Development. District Board of Ministerial Development The District Board of Ministerial Development (DBMD) met for the fall interviews on October 20th at Brookhaven Wesleyan Church in Marion. I am very thankful for the space the church made available to us. We had 31 wonderful interviews with women and men in our district. Some students were meeting with the DBMD for the first time, while others are nearing the end of their journey towards ordination. It is such a privilege to walk alongside men and women who sense a call to vocational ministry. If you would like to know more about the ordination process, I would love to hear from you! As a reminder, the next interview date is April 26, 2024. This fall was the kickoff of our new system within the Crossroads DBMD. Instead of utilizing Zones and Regions, as was done previously, the DBMD has combined into one large group of 32 people. This group of 32 is divided into teams of 4; each team will meet with the same candidates every year, allowing both the DBMD members and students to develop intentional and meaningful relationships. In addition to the annual interviews, students are partnered with a member of their DBMD team for additional communication and development. Our hope is that this will foster mentorship relationships for the purpose of increasing effective communication, providing growth opportunities, and creating a culture of connection within the Crossroads District. Our DBMD team holds a special place in my heart. The team is comprised of laity and clergy, male and female, English and Spanish speaking individuals who value the importance of developing leaders for the church. I want to take this moment to thank each one of them for their dedication and service to The Wesleyan Church by serving this committee. Thriving Clergy I love our Wesleyan pastors and the churches they serve. My goal is to elevate and celebrate our pastors in order to strengthen their families and the ministries they serve. Our Wesleyan headquarters diligently works to provide resources for our pastors that will equip them for ministry and invest in their well-being. Healthy pastors are more likely to have healthy churches. God created us to thrive! I encourage you to check out some of these links as you have the time:
October is nationally known as Pastor Appreciation Month. This year, The Wesleyan Church has been promoting the theme: “We See You!” For the pastors reading this update, I want you to know how valued you are! The Wesleyan Church sees you – we see your family. We are thankful for your service and faithfulness, and you are prayed for regularly. Please connect with me to let me know how I can continue to serve you and pray for you in the future. Joyfully serving with you and celebrating God’s work through you, Rev. Carla Working It's always inspiring to hear how God is at work in our district churches. This past Sunday, the team at Eastview Wesleyan Church celebrated the baptism of young Eli. His father, who serves on the praise team, can be seen sitting on the edge of the platform watching as his son is baptized. Praise God for another life #MadeNew! Registration is now open for the 2024 Heartland Gathering, April 2-5, 2024, in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee! The DBA has approved one $300 scholarship for each district church, designated to cover a significant portion of the registration cost for one pastoral family per church. Details regarding the scholarship, including the registration discount code, will be sent to lead and solo pastors later this week. For more information and registration, visit: Please place the Follow Conference on your church’s prayer calendar. We’re believing God for a powerful move among our next generation students and their leaders. You will want to attend and bring as many teenagers as possible for this life-changing experience! Comments are closed.
February 2025